I have changed the hook used on the forums from one that used only StopForumSpam to a new one that will use both StopForumSpam and Project Honeypot to check for and stop spammers from registering. While this system is not perfect, it will help catch and prevent the majority from registering.
Using the previous hook, there were over 15,000 spammers stopped. However, the hook was bugged at one point and did not track all of the spammers caught. So this number is bound to be much higher. The new hook that implements both StopForumSpam and Project HoneyPot allows the number of blocked spammers to be shown in the board statistics. Once I ensure it's working well I will make this information available for all to see. I have also updated the record to show the previous total spammers blocked from the previous hook and the current count since this new hook was installed.
If there are any problems, please post here. If you see a spammer, just use the Report feature and the Lunarsoft Staff will handle it.