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Hello, I am new at this forum and this is my first post.

I have question about wmidiags script report, exactly how to repair issues: section 13824 to 13864, find by wmidiag. I am sending you a copy of that report.

I use Dial a fix ver.

13764 18:56:48 (0) ** WMIDiag v2.0 started on 30. listopad 2008 at 18:54.

13765 18:56:48 (0) **

13766 18:56:48 (0) ** Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved - January 2007.

13767 18:56:48 (0) **

13768 18:56:48 (0) ** This script is not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service.

13769 18:56:48 (0) ** The script is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all

13770 18:56:48 (0) ** implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability

13771 18:56:48 (0) ** or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance

13772 18:56:48 (0) ** of the scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors,

13773 18:56:48 (0) ** or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the script be liable for

13774 18:56:48 (0) ** any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits,

13775 18:56:48 (0) ** business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of

13776 18:56:48 (0) ** the use of or inability to use the script or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised

13777 18:56:48 (0) ** of the possibility of such damages.

13778 18:56:48 (0) **

13779 18:56:48 (0) **

13780 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13781 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------- WMI REPORT: BEGIN ----------------------------------------------------------

13782 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13783 18:56:48 (0) **

13784 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13785 18:56:48 (0) ** Windows XP - No service pack - 32-bit (2600) - User '89QJ2T6MT4PB3MO\ZTUSEK' on computer '89QJ2T6MT4PB3MO'.

13786 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13787 18:56:48 (0) ** Environment: ................................................................................

........................ OK..

13788 18:56:48 (0) ** System drive: ................................................................................

....................... C: (Disk #0 Partition #0).

13789 18:56:48 (0) ** Drive type: ................................................................................

......................... IDE (WDC WD800BEVE-00UYT0).

13790 18:56:48 (0) ** There are no missing WMI system files: .............................................................................. OK.

13791 18:56:48 (0) ** There are no missing WMI repository files: .......................................................................... OK.

13792 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI repository state: ................................................................................

............... N/A.

13793 18:56:48 (0) ** BEFORE running WMIDiag:

13794 18:56:48 (0) ** The WMI repository has a size of: ................................................................................

... 6 MB.

13795 18:56:48 (0) ** - Disk free space on 'C:': ................................................................................

.......... 66706 MB.

13796 18:56:48 (0) ** - INDEX.BTR, 1269760 bytes, 30.10.2008 18:54:29

13797 18:56:48 (0) ** - INDEX.MAP, 688 bytes, 30.10.2008 18:54:29

13798 18:56:48 (0) ** - OBJECTS.DATA, 4816896 bytes, 30.10.2008 18:54:29

13799 18:56:48 (0) ** - OBJECTS.MAP, 2376 bytes, 30.10.2008 18:54:29

13800 18:56:48 (0) ** AFTER running WMIDiag:

13801 18:56:48 (0) ** The WMI repository has a size of: ................................................................................

... 6 MB.

13802 18:56:48 (0) ** - Disk free space on 'C:': ................................................................................

.......... 66703 MB.

13803 18:56:48 (0) ** - INDEX.BTR, 1269760 bytes, 30.10.2008 18:54:29

13804 18:56:48 (0) ** - INDEX.MAP, 688 bytes, 30.10.2008 18:54:29

13805 18:56:48 (0) ** - OBJECTS.DATA, 4816896 bytes, 30.10.2008 18:54:29

13806 18:56:48 (0) ** - OBJECTS.MAP, 2376 bytes, 30.10.2008 18:54:29

13807 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13808 18:56:48 (0) ** Windows Firewall: ................................................................................

................... NOT INSTALLED.

13809 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13810 18:56:48 (0) ** DCOM Status: ................................................................................

........................ OK.

13811 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI registry setup: ................................................................................

................. OK.

13812 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI Service has no dependents: ................................................................................

...... OK.

13813 18:56:48 (0) ** RPCSS service: ................................................................................

...................... OK (Already started).

13814 18:56:48 (0) ** WINMGMT service: ................................................................................

.................... OK (Already started).

13815 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13816 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI service DCOM setup: ................................................................................

............. OK.

13817 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI components DCOM registrations: ................................................................................

.. OK.

13818 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI ProgID registrations: ................................................................................

........... OK.

13819 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI provider DCOM registrations: ................................................................................

.... OK.

13820 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI provider CIM registrations: ................................................................................

..... OK.

13821 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI provider CLSIDs: ................................................................................

................ OK.

13822 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI providers EXE/DLL availability: ................................................................................

. OK.

13823 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13824 18:56:48 (0) ** DCOM security for 'Microsoft WBEM UnSecured Apartment' (Launch & Activation Permissions): ........................... MODIFIED.

13825 18:56:48 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATORS' has been REMOVED!

13826 18:56:48 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:

13827 18:56:48 (0) ** ACEType: &h0

13828 18:56:48 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE

13829 18:56:48 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0

13830 18:56:48 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1

13831 18:56:48 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE

13832 18:56:48 (0) **

13833 18:56:48 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.

13834 18:56:48 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!

13835 18:56:48 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.

13836 18:56:48 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.

13837 18:56:48 (0) **

13838 18:56:48 (0) ** DCOM security for 'Microsoft WBEM UnSecured Apartment' (Launch & Activation Permissions): ........................... MODIFIED.

13839 18:56:48 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE' has been REMOVED!

13840 18:56:48 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:

13841 18:56:48 (0) ** ACEType: &h0

13842 18:56:48 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE

13843 18:56:48 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0

13844 18:56:48 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1

13845 18:56:48 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE

13846 18:56:48 (0) **

13847 18:56:48 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.

13848 18:56:48 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!

13849 18:56:48 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.

13850 18:56:48 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.

13851 18:56:48 (0) **

13852 18:56:48 (0) ** DCOM security for 'Microsoft WBEM UnSecured Apartment' (Launch & Activation Permissions): ........................... MODIFIED.

13853 18:56:48 (1) !! ERROR: Default trustee 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' has been REMOVED!

13854 18:56:48 (0) ** - REMOVED ACE:

13855 18:56:48 (0) ** ACEType: &h0

13856 18:56:48 (0) ** ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE

13857 18:56:48 (0) ** ACEFlags: &h0

13858 18:56:48 (0) ** ACEMask: &h1

13859 18:56:48 (0) ** DCOM_RIGHT_EXECUTE

13860 18:56:48 (0) **

13861 18:56:48 (0) ** => The REMOVED ACE was part of the DEFAULT setup for the trustee.

13862 18:56:48 (0) ** Removing default security will cause some operations to fail!

13863 18:56:48 (0) ** It is possible to fix this issue by editing the security descriptor and adding the ACE.

13864 18:56:48 (0) ** For DCOM objects, this can be done with 'DCOMCNFG.EXE'.

13865 18:56:48 (0) **

13866 18:56:48 (0) **

13867 18:56:48 (0) ** DCOM security warning(s) detected: ................................................................................

.. 0.

13868 18:56:48 (0) ** DCOM security error(s) detected: ................................................................................

.... 3.

13869 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI security warning(s) detected: ................................................................................

... 0.

13870 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI security error(s) detected: ................................................................................

..... 0.

13871 18:56:48 (0) **

13872 18:56:48 (1) !! ERROR: Overall DCOM security status: ................................................................................ ERROR!

13873 18:56:48 (0) ** Overall WMI security status: ................................................................................

........ OK.

13874 18:56:48 (0) ** - Started at 'Root' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13875 18:56:48 (0) ** INFO: WMI permanent SUBSCRIPTION(S): ................................................................................ 3.

13876 18:56:48 (0) ** - ROOT/DEFAULT, MSFT_UCScenarioControl.Name="Microsoft WMI Updating Consumer Scenario Control".

13877 18:56:48 (0) ** 'SELECT * FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'MSFT_UCScenario''

13878 18:56:48 (0) ** - ROOT/SUBSCRIPTION, MSFT_UCScenarioControl.Name="Microsoft WMI Updating Consumer Scenario Control".

13879 18:56:48 (0) ** 'SELECT * FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'MSFT_UCScenario''

13880 18:56:48 (0) ** - ROOT/SUBSCRIPTION, NTEventLogEventConsumer.Name="SCM Event Log Consumer".

13881 18:56:48 (0) ** 'select * from MSFT_SCMEventLogEvent'

13882 18:56:48 (0) **

13883 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI TIMER instruction(s): ................................................................................

........... NONE.

13884 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI ADAP status: ................................................................................

.................... OK.

13885 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI MONIKER CONNECTIONS: ................................................................................

............ OK.

13886 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI CONNECTIONS: ................................................................................

.................... OK.

13887 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI GET operations: ................................................................................

................. OK.

13888 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI MOF representations: ................................................................................

............ OK.

13889 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI QUALIFIER access operations: ................................................................................

.... OK.

13890 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI ENUMERATION operations: ................................................................................

......... OK.

13891 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI EXECQUERY operations: ................................................................................

........... OK.

13892 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI GET VALUE operations: ................................................................................

........... OK.

13893 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI WRITE operations: ................................................................................

............... NOT TESTED.

13894 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI PUT operations: ................................................................................

................. NOT TESTED.

13895 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI DELETE operations: ................................................................................

.............. NOT TESTED.

13896 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI static instances retrieved: ................................................................................

..... 592.

13897 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI dynamic instances retrieved: ................................................................................

.... 0.

13898 18:56:48 (0) ** WMI instance request cancellations (to limit performance impact): ................................................... 0.

13899 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13900 18:56:48 (0) ** # of Event Log events BEFORE WMIDiag execution since the last 20 day(s):

13901 18:56:48 (0) ** DCOM: ................................................................................

............................. 1.

13902 18:56:48 (0) ** WINMGMT: ................................................................................

.......................... 6.

13903 18:56:48 (0) ** WMIADAPTER: ................................................................................

....................... 0.

13904 18:56:48 (0) ** => Verify the WMIDiag LOG at line #13438 for more details.

13905 18:56:48 (0) **

13906 18:56:48 (0) ** # of additional Event Log events AFTER WMIDiag execution:

13907 18:56:48 (0) ** DCOM: ................................................................................

............................. 0.

13908 18:56:48 (0) ** WINMGMT: ................................................................................

.......................... 0.

13909 18:56:48 (0) ** WMIADAPTER: ................................................................................

....................... 0.

13910 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13911 18:56:48 (0) ** Unexpected, wrong or missing registry key values: ................................................................... 1 KEY(S)!

13912 18:56:48 (0) ** INFO: Unexpected registry key value:

13913 18:56:48 (0) ** - Current: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WBEM\CIMOM\Logging (REG_SZ) -> 2

13914 18:56:48 (0) ** - Expected: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WBEM\CIMOM\Logging (REG_SZ) -> 1

13915 18:56:48 (0) ** From the command line, the registry configuration can be corrected with the following command:

13916 18:56:48 (0) ** i.e. 'REG.EXE Add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WBEM\CIMOM" /v "Logging" /t "REG_SZ" /d "1" /f'

13917 18:56:48 (0) **

13918 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13919 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13920 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13921 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13922 18:56:48 (0) **

13923 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13924 18:56:48 (0) ** ------------------------------------------------------ WMI REPORT: END -----------------------------------------------------------

13925 18:56:48 (0) ** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13926 18:56:48 (0) **

13927 18:56:48 (0) ** ERROR: WMIDiag detected issues that could prevent WMI to work properly!. Check 'C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\ZTUSEK\LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMP\WMIDIAG-V2.0_XP___.CLI.RTM.32_89QJ2T6MT4PB3MO_2008.10.30_18.54.30.LOG' for details.

13928 18:56:48 (0) **

13929 18:56:48 (0) ** WMIDiag v2.0 ended on 30. listopad 2008 at 18:56 (W:139 E:6 S:1).


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