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As SourceForge continues to take over projects in order to inject them with malware/adware to line their pockets, the latest victim is none other than Firefox.

A bug report has been started by a redditor named TannerMoz to get the attention of Mozilla's legal team. With luck this will help stop SourceForge from doing these kinds of negative actions to the Firefox project and others as well. Sourceforge recently did this to some other major projects such as GIMP and nMap. This has also prompted Notepad++ to leave SourceForge. Hopefully we'll see other projects like VLC and others leave SourceForge too.

We're hoping that Mozilla's legal team gets on SourceForge about these dispicible actions they've recently been taking. If you're curious what all SourceForge has taken over, you can view the list on sf-editor1's profile.

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