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Cannot install Windows Updates


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hi! was referred to dial-a-fix by microsoft tech. Running XP with svc pack 2. Problem started about 2 months ago. All updates from the microsoft site fail and auto updates don't seem to be working either. With help from microsoft tech, been downloading and installing updates manually in safe mode. I ran a windows update log for them and they sent me this with a longggg email of instructions on how it may be fixed.

This problem occurs when one of the following conditions is true:

• Some files are corrupted in the %allusersprofile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader folder.

• BITS is not correctly registered on your computer.


Not computer savvy and so i am opting to try dial-a-fix option. Have not downloaded program yet, hoping to get latest version from you guys and some much needed help. THANKS A LOT!

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  • Administrator

Go ahead and download Dial-a-fix. Click the green checkmark and click Go. After it has finished, try Windows Update and see if you can get your updates installed.

Let us know what happens.

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Go ahead and download Dial-a-fix. Click the green checkmark and click Go. After it has finished, try Windows Update and see if you can get your updates installed.

Let us know what happens.


TARUN! WOW! i went over to the windows update site and it worked. i was able to download and install all of my updates. i've been struggling with this problem for 2 months. it's been a huge pain! microsoft tech tried to help me via email, but nothing they did ever worked. then they gave me a foot long list of instructions to try and that's when i decided to use dial-a-fix. i really appreciate this - what a great program!

i just have 1 question....

if this happens again and i cannot install any windows updates, can i use dial-a-fix again without it causing any problems to my pc??? it would be nice to know i always have an option, if i need it.

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  • Administrator

Dial-a-fix will indeed help you resolve a lot of issues, including Windows Update issues. It will not cause any problems to your pc at all, it fixes any that already exist. :cool:

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Dial-a-fix will indeed help you resolve a lot of issues, including Windows Update issues. It will not cause any problems to your pc at all, it fixes any that already exist. :cool:

Thanks for answering my question and for the awesome help Tarun. I greatly appreciate it!

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