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wikidPad 1.9 Beta 20 ;)

License: Open Source

File Size: 4,735 KB

Operating Systems: Windows 2000/2003/9x/XP

HomePage: http://wikidpad.sourceforge.net/


wikidPad is a Wiki-like notebook for storing your thoughts, ideas, todo lists, contacts, or anything else you can think of to write down.

What makes wikidPad different from other notepad applications is the ease with which you can cross-link your information. Links in a wiki are created by typing in WikiWords. A WikiWord is any mixed case word typed into the editor. TodoList or JohnDoe are example WikiWords. The term wiki means "quick" in Hawaiian, and wikis are all about quickly linking your information together. Wikis are not a new concept, in fact there are many web based wiki servers available.

wikidPad is a real-time wiki. wikidPad is not a web server, or application server, or groupware solution. wikidPad is a standalone notepad like application, albeit notepad on steroidswikidPad is like an IDE for your thoughts.

IDE for your thoughts

Software developers have grown accustomed to certain features from their integrated development environment that make their jobs easier. Features like auto-completion, outline views, incremental search, easy source code navigation. IDE's that provide these features can greatly increase developer productivity. wikidPad attempts to utilize some of these features to address the problem of personal information management.

Personal Information Management

How do you manage all of the random bits of information in your personal and professional life? Word documents, text files, Microsoft Outlook folders/notes. If you're an expert user maybe you have a weblog, or a personal database, or possibly an outlining application. Where do you track your wifes favorite food, your bosses kids names, your personal todo list, the name of the movie you just read a review of, the name of the book a friend recommended. wikidPad was created to address this issue of personal information management. It provides a place to manage the massive amounts of information you have stuffed in your head, on stickies, or on your computer.


*On the fly WikiWord linking, as you type

*WikiWord auto-completion

*Easy WikiWord navigation

*Wiki text styling

*WikiWord History

*Wiki document attributes

*Dynamic views

*Tree/Outline view with over 100 icons

*Todo lists

*Incremental search

*Search and Replace


*Export to HTML

*All your data is stored in plain text

*URL and file linking

*Intuitive keybindings

*Help Wiki included

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