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The groups here at Lunarsoft have been updated for 3.0. The group colors have been updated as well as the group images. These are part of ongoing changes to help improve user experience here at Lunarsoft.

With that said, we have added two new groups to our list.

Technicians - These are a select group of people whom have been helpful on our forums and have proven their technical expertise by giving sound advise. This group can be trusted when it comes to technical matters.

Contributors - These are a select group of people who have contributed valuable information to our forums and helped Lunarsoft with information, posts, and more. Former Lunarsoft Staff are also placed here as a way of saying thank you for all you have done for us.

Our Supporters group has changed to Sponsors. The purpose and benefits of the group remains the same, it's simply a name change to reflect how they have assisted Lunarsoft.

As of this post, our two Contributors are James_A and Ultimate Predator. We also have one Technician at this point and are looking to add more. cluberti is our current Technician and we will add more as we find those who are trusted Technicians.

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