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Lexware Quickbooks not working anymore


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I found out with a new installed Windows XP SP3 incl. all Patches till Januar 2011, that after running JavaRa latest Beta, the Start Page and all other *.xml Pages in Lexware Quickbooks 2010 not working anymore.


Die XML-Eingabe kann nicht angezeigt werden, wenn Stylesheet XSL verwendet wird. Beheben Sie den Fehler und klicken Sie dann auf Aktualisieren, oder wiederholen Sie den Vorgang später.

I could isolate it to one or some of the following delete Items:

JavaRa 1.16 Removal Log.

Report follows after line.


The JavaRa removal process was started on Sun Jan 23 17:53:15 2011

Found and removed: JavaScript

Found and removed: JavaScript Author

Found and removed: JavaScript1.1

Found and removed: JavaScript1.1 Author

Found and removed: JavaScript1.2


Finished reporting.

I'm not shure wich of these is making the Error, but it seems also to be in other Lexware Programms with *.xml Sites.

I only could fix it with cleanup.exe from www.pcstress.net wich sets all IE7 Parameters and Reg.entrys to its standarts.

But after next time using JavaRa all Errors are back again.

Hope you can fix it.

Thanks and sorry for my English.

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