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Aim Ad Hack is a program written by two guys who hate aims ads and other bundled software that is installed with aim. It is completely clean of viruses, malware, software (ive scanned with everything in your pc mantience site) and is an amazing program. Right now, it supports Aim 5.9 and the Aim Beta Triton 8.8 . New Ad Hacks are released for the Triton beta alwase within two days of a new version from aim released to public. It is a single instalation file that you download from their site, you install the ad hack and the file automatically installs aim for you. !DO NOT INSTALL AIM AND THEN AD HACK! The Triton Ad Hacks have become my favorite program. It is also completely custimizable in what you want it to remove and what you like. I am suggesting this to all the regular visitors out there, and to be added to Taruns newsposting on new software out there.

Aim Ad Hack website : http://aftermath.dyndns.org:8888/~aimadhack/

Aim Triton Beta website : http://beta.aol.com/projects.php?project=triton

(must sign in with aim screenname to view)



Triton is god (not to contradict the post i did about an hour ago at ccleaner about djlizard) ;) i wish i could hug it lol. Seriously, though it is everthing you alwase wanted from aim, it takes the place of all those third party programs people make to install over top of 5.9. Here is a small list of features, TABBED WINDOWS, they are so much more organized. Nicknames for Screen names. So if you had me (whoruandwhoami12) on your buddylist you could make it show up as "Tyler". <- very usefull when you have a lot of people on your buddylist. The instant messenge window is also fully custamizable, you can remove info bars, add them and diffrent things like that. Ill edit with a screenshot in a minute.

here you go, shows you how clean my im window is (i removed all the extra lines of info) and the tabs, along with the nice way it looks and the nicknames for people



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