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G'day folks,

anyone else out there play WoW?

I'm interested in what servers people play on, reason I ask is that I'm looking to join guilds that are actually populated by grown-ups and not script kiddies :happybday:

My characters are scattered over 5 servers at last count, currently have 8 characters, highest 30+, 3 over 15, and a lot of little ones. The little ones are my try before I play options, to see whether I like the race/profession combination before I spend more time on them.

So, raise your hand if you're a WoW player and we'll see if we can hook up.

Cheers :happybday:

PS: Currently don't play BC, but will have it shortly.

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Since Tarun linked me too this...

I Play on Illidan - Horde side.

got a level 65 Tauren Shaman Enhancement Spec. using quest greens and some blues from instances/quests.. (Sathon)

got a level 19 druid i'm tryin out, but it's feelin crappy.. but probably since i can't use cat form yet... i've seen druids in bear form get up too 12k life and 16k armor.. would be nice too see that someday lol. (Verg)

not really enjoyin WoW though, too many people assume if you have healing in your class you should always be a healer... told one guild leader too #&*@ off on ventrilo cause he was #&^@'in at me for not being a resto shaman.

but yea anyways, 95% of guilds out there assume that if you have any healing you're going too be healing end-game.. so make sure too think about that.

also, i wouldn't get the burning crusade yet, not until you have a toon thats level 58 (level requirement too go through "The Dark Portal") It won't do ya any good until then... unless it's possible too get a summon from a warlock, or a mage too port ya there.. but i dunno if they still allow that or not... also not sure if theres any Jewel Crafting people in Azeroth.. or if they're Outlands only..

I'm currently guild leader of the small guild of my friends friends.. though we used too have about 7 playing, now we got 3... lol. just wanted too raise my hand and just put out some info on my toon and how end-game is.

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......not really enjoyin WoW though, too many people assume if you have healing in your class you should always be a healer... told one guild leader too #&*@ off on ventrilo cause he was #&^@'in at me for not being a resto shaman.

but yea anyways, 95% of guilds out there assume that if you have any healing you're going too be healing end-game.. so make sure too think about that.


Heh, I understand your pain. Have been approached a few times with my Shaman (Druid not so much) and politely told them to p*** off. I play my character/s the way I want to, 'specially seeing I pay, not them and if that wasn't acceptable then I'd be no good in their guild.

The server that I've got my main character on is Proudmoore, but I'm looking at bringing the 15+ across from the other servers as well. But that is all dependent on whether the 'RPG' servers pan out as really being RPG areas. Forget which one I jumped into, but it was no different than the normal servers.

And as an aside I have no inclination to join PvP servers, I have an abhorent dislike to PKer's. That's the lowest form of role-playing that I can think of, especially seeing that some of the higher characters have been bought by lazy f*&^%$ who want everything handed to them on a plate and then think they're the greatest out there......... don't get me started on this subject, it's an ugly sight :happybday:

Anyways, might see about jumping onto Illidan (depending on what type of server it is). Have a hankering to make a new character again, especially seeing it's so **** easy to get to 15th, normally takes me 3 days max to get there (that's at 4 hours each day).

Cheers :happybday:

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lol yea i know how ya feel.

Illidan IS a PvP server, so probably wouldn't be a good server for ya, and is typically full of drama.. hell we even got a website dedicated too the drama caused on illidan... lol. http://www.illidrama.com/

main reason why a lot of people play on this server though is 1.. Illidan is the main guy of Warcraft.. but not only that but the famous Serenity-Now Funeral video.. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2441274716855573995 (some cursing... but i do agree with what the Serenity Now guild has said in the past about not bringing RL issues into the game.)

anyways, don't know much about any RP servers, as i'm not an RP type. but more of a PK'er =P (forcing people too PvP = awesome)

don't wanna de-rail your topic so i'll stop there, but from what i've heard some RP servers even go as far as people polietly asking other players too walk in cities....

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