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Possible New Tools Suggestions

Guest PJ_JOE

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Guest PJ_JOE

Hi, I just love DAF, you really make some time-saving software! Thank you. :wave:

Now on to my suggestion for other tools maybe you could include in a future version:

1) Tool to clean all the restore points off except for the current one (like it does in disk cleanup), DAF would be much faster than waiting for disk cleanup to load.

2) Would it be possible to have it show all the ghosted (hidden) devices you have and let you select the ones you want to remove - like a checkmark list, and then automatically remove them? This would be great for those of us who have accumulated devices that we are no longer using and don't want to remove each one individually and wait for it to remove it, then have to go down the list over and over.

If you can add these at some point I will definitely give you a nice donation for your efforts!

Thank you for sharing your work with others.

  • Administrator

There are a few items in Dial-a-fix that could be considered cleaning, such as SFC purgecache, flush dns, and flush icons (cache).

Thanks for the suggestion, PJ JOE.


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