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HELLO My name is IVAN and I am a newcomer to this forum.

My problem is with with OS of WIN XP PRO, Service Pack 3. Computer is VAIO FS series from year 2006.

In order to correct the "corrupted files" in the WIN XP PRO , Sony provides a VAIO RECOVERY MEDIA KIT that has 2 DVD's. It contains the OS for WIN XP PRO but modified by SONY VAIO use.

In order to do the recovery you can ONLY do TOTAL RECOVERY or RECOVERY of LOCAL DISC C:/

In both cases the computer RESTORE the computer to the factory installation defaults AND YOU LOOSE ALL APPLICATIONS, PROGRAM DOCUMENTS, PHOTOS etc........

How can you use the recovery disc for a REPAIR and the INSTALLATION of the Operating system WIN XP PRO in a "nondestructive way"

The total Recovery is a TOTAL PAIN!!!!!

My main issues are INSTALLATION abd UNISTALLATION of apllications or updates such as:(1. ADOBE Reader,2. NORTON Save and Restore program,3.

LaCie External Hardrive Backup software,).

I discussed this with 1.SONY technical support ==unable to help

2. MICROSOFT tech. support ( research engineer level) not yet resolved

3. NORTON/SYMANTEC tech support -they referred me back to MICROSOFT.



I blame Norton.

What do you do if you blaming the Norton Symantec program.

What about my question about NON DESTRUVTIVE re installation of WIN XP PRO operating system with REPAIR of the WINDOW INSTALLER programs?

Thank you for taking the time to respond

Ivan, NOV 26,2008

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