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Our beta testing process comes to a close late this month as we make the final tweaks to the newest Ad-Aware program. And that’s good news for all of our Ad-Aware users around the globe – the release of this powered up product is just around the corner.

When the new version debuts on January 20, 2009, you’ll see exciting new changes to this anti-malware software you know and trust.

“The launch of the latest version of Ad-Aware brings us back to the core of our business, delivering the solution our customers require to stay safe despite the extensive threats that face all computer users today – a user-friendly tool that provides cutting-edge detection, blocking and removal of malware without all of the extra bells and whistles that complicate other programs,” says Lavasoft CEO Jason King.

How, specifically, are we making that happen? New changes to the detection technology include heuristics scans – that’s how we find and block the absolute latest malware threats – and an integrated Ad-Watch Live! real-time protection. That means that Ad-Aware will not only root out and detect today’s most prevalent threats with an extensive database of over 2 million threats, but it will also protect you from those not yet identified in our signature database.

On top of that, this new version provides ultimate resource efficiency with dramatic improvements to the strain on your system's resources. Those that have tested the Beta have seen the staggering results; the memory use has been tested at a minimum of 15 times lower than your existing Ad-Aware version!

Ad-Aware Goes Back to Basics to Power Up on Security

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