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Password Safe 3.14

File size: 2.16MB

License: Open Source

Operating Systems: Windows 9x/2000/XP/2003/XP64

HomePage: http://passwordsafe.sourceforge.net/

Screenshots: http://sourceforge.net/project/screenshots...?group_id=41019

Whether the answer is one or hundreds, Password Safe allows you to safely and easily create a secured and encrypted user name/password list. With Password Safe all you have to do is create and remember a single "Master Password" of your choice in order to unlock and access your entire user name/password list.

Using Password Safe you can organize your passwords using your own customizable references—for example, by user ID, category, web site, or location. You can choose to store all your passwords in a single encrypted master password list (an encrypted password database), or use multiple databases to further organize your passwords (work and home, for example). And with its intuitive interface you will be up and running in minutes.

Password Safe is an Open Source (free) tool that allows you to have a different password for all the different programs and websites that you deal with, without actually having to remember all those usernames and passwords.

Password Safe runs on PCs under Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP). An older (but fully functional) version is available for PocketPC. Linux/Unix clones that use the same database format have also been written.


Yeah it is.

If you know cryptography, you know about Bruce Schneir, in his field, he is considered the man. ;)

He wrote many books on the subject, and designed or co-designed many of the most secure and widely used cryptographic algorithms such as Twofish and Blowfish.

"Bruce Schneier's secure handshake is so strong, you won't be able to exchange keys with anyone else for days."

"When Bruce Schneier observes a quantum particle, it remains in the same state until he has finished observing it."

"If we built a Dyson sphere around Bruce Schneier and captured all of his energy for 2 months, without any loss, we could power an ideal computer running at 3.2 degrees K to count up to 2^256. This strongly implies that not only can Bruce Schneier brute-force attack 256-bit keys, but that he is built of something other than matter and occupies something other than space."

"Though a superhero, Bruce Schneier disdanes the use of a mask or secret identity as 'security through obscurity'."

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