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nHancer 2.4.5

File Size: 1.7MB (available 32-bit and 64-bit versions)

License: Freeware

Operating Systems: Windows 2000, XP, 2003 or Vista

Other Rquirements:

-Any nVidia GeForce graphic card

-Forceware driver version 60 or higher

-NET Framework 2.0 or later

HomePage: http://www.nhancer.com/?dat=home

Comparison Examples

Anti-Aliasing comparison: http://www.nhancer.com/?dat=d_aapres

Anisotropic filter comparison: http://www.nhancer.com/?dat=d_afpres

Options and their effects, like Anti Aliasing, Anisotropic Filtering, etc: http://www.nhancer.com/?dat=d_enhancements#AA

nHancer is an Advanced Control Panel and Profile Editor for nVidia cards

nVidia's modern graphic cards offer a whole range of settings to optimize the display of games and also of professional applications.

Some settings can also be used to improve the performance and to resolve rendering errors.

nHancer is the tool that empowers both experts and inexperienced users to fully utilize the possibilities of the graphic card

Feature Overview

*Support of Forceware/GeForce drivers version 60 and later, including the new 180+ versions

*Support of all GeForce cards, including the new GeForce GTX 2x0 lines

*Supports Windows Vista and DirectX 10

*Support for single card, SLI, Quad-SLI and DirectX 10 SLI systems

*On-the-fly control of all global quality and performance-enhancing settings for all games

*Create and manage fully automated profiles for all your games

*Very easy to use, explains all options and their effects, like Anti Aliasing, Anisotropic Filtering, etc.

*Special options for nVidia's SLI feature, allowing you to to use almost every game with SLI even if nVidia doesn't support it

*Offers additional Anti Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering modes, that are not available through nVidia's control panel

*Allows the modification of fixed settings included in nVidia's predefined profiles.

*Flexible user interface: change the size of the window and all sub areas

*User interface and help texts available in various languages (right now English, German, Polish and Italian)

*Coexists perfectly with nVidia's own control panel and other tools, like aTuner or RivaTuner. nHancer will immediately detect any changes made by any other tool.


I don't find the source code on the website.

Eldmannen I found this for you , nHancer has been written by Martin Korndörfer.

It uses the C# Registry class library

Mattias Sjörgen’s sample class for accessing shell links (shortcuts) were also used. not sure if this helps you any it was listed here, http://www.nhancer.com/?dat=downloads look at that page possibly some more info on that in the downloadable read me documents.

Apparently the author has not updated his description of the license after further review this is a freeware application I have corrected the license information.

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