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Happy Birthday Elvis


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I'll start off by saying - I'm not of Elvis' generation but his impact on my household as a child will forever be appreciated. I recall

with fondness my early years growing up, how my mom would clean the house while listening to him sing - what a treat. I also

remember coming home from junior high one day, my mom was crying her eyes out, I was terrified, my sister said she's crying

because Elvis, he's gone. I will admit I didn't cry but, I knew I would miss him, and his contribution to the music business would go

on for many years.

He was a genuine 'rags to riches' story, uneducated, impoverished, but had a drive likely motivated by what some would term -

natural talent, emotional honesty in his voice, and not bad looking to boot. I doubt we will ever see again talents and ground

breaking innovation on the level of The Beatles, Wall of Sound, Motown, or Elvis.

I am very strange when it comes to my music listening (and playing) habits. I was raised on guitar by the likes of Eddie Van Halen,

George Lynch, Michael Schenker, Warren DeMartini, and many others but, I enjoy just as much great songs from those 70s compilation

sets, you know, all those folks whose name you don't recognize but the song, don't lie, admit it, you somehow know all the words. Wait,

I'm talking about Elvis. There are lots of favorites but 2 I'm really fond of are 'Suspicious Minds' (thanks Francis Zambon) and 'In The

Ghetto' (thanks Mac Davis).

Anyway, happy birthday Elvis, you're gone but not forgotten.

I gotta go, I want to drop this in another forum, keep some of these tech geeks cultured :P

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