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change favorites to favourites


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Probably one of those questions everyone else knows the answer to.

Yesterday did start >favorites>right click on the word and rename to favourites (the English spelling!!) but today when I turned on it had reverted back. Could anyone tell me how to make it permanent?

  • Administrator

Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\

Under your account and/or all users, rename it there and it should remain renamed*.

* - Untested. :D


You're not allowed to change the name of that folder directly, because it is a shell folder.

You may have to:

1) change the value Favorites in the key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell Folders

2) restart, and then

3) move the contents of Favorites into Favourites

I'm too lazy to describe how to use regedit to do this... so if you don't know how, Tarun will fill you in.

  • Administrator

Dj, will that work for folders like "My Documents" and such, if you get rid of the "My "?


There was me thinking it was such a simple thing. I may become "An American by Computer" and keep the spelling!!

Thanks Tarun and DJ.


It's too bad that computers have to be unecessarily overcomplicated. Don't blame yourself for thinking that something so obvious should be so easy to change. Software these days puts restrictions on things that don't logically need restrictions.


A friend told me that Americans miss letters out of words such as favourites so that their typing can keep up to the speed of their brain. :D;) (Joking of course)


When I type favourites in, it DOESN'T say it's wrong in ms word. Could this be anything to do with the fact I chose English keyboard in setup?

Just guessing about that.


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