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Win xp pro ... Win Installer problems


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Hi, can anyone help me please? quite recently for the past month when I try to install any valid new programs like google earth or windows live etc, all I ever get now is the error message "This intallation package could not be opened, verify that the package exist and that you can access it" etc,etc, I have checked the Administrator rights etc, I have through "dial a fix" vers Vo.60.0.24" un reg'd & re Reg'd win msi installer, I have also downloaded win installer 3.1 again, to see if that would fix it, (it did not!) I have run various reg cleaners, spam, spyware and fixers etc. I have copletely unistalled MS Net Framework Ver1 & 2, as I thought the ASP.net might be causing the problem, I am now fresh out of Ideas, I am a complete newbie writing in a support forum before so forgive me if I have left anything obvoius out... many thanks, I run WinXp pro 64, AMD athlon 1600 proc, 1gb DDR. anyone who can give me some help it would be greatly appreciated.

  • Administrator

Welcome to Lunarsoft, Hotrossi!

It sounds like your issues are stemming from Windows Installer. If you could, please rerun Dial-a-fix and select the MSI section. When that finishes running, click the Log button (paper icon) and post a log here for us to review.

When you attempted to install Windows Installer 3.1 did you encounter any error messages?


Dial-a-fix was not written with x64 Pro in mind. As a 32-bit program it is not allowed to access most critical parts of the OS (i.e., it can't fix your system). x64 Pro shoehorns 32-bit apps in by using a technology called WoW64 (Windows-on-Windows). WoW64 virtualizes 32-bit apps so that they can't write to the 64-bit registry or 64-bit System32 directory directly. Yes, it's confusing that WoW64 handles 32-bit programs and that the System32 directory is the 64-bit version. (Meanwhile, C:\Windows\SysWoW64 is the 32-bit System32. Whew!) Anyway, Dial-a-fix cannot not help x64 currently.

I don't have any suggestions currently for x64 issues as I do not have much experience in repairing it (I've been using it on my work computer but don't know that much about it).

I highly suggest contacting Microsoft Product Support Services. They'll be able to help you with turning on advanced MSI logging, reading the event logs, etc. You should start with the email route as I believe you may be asked for money if you phone them (because it's an OEM product. I'm not really sure about the procedures/rules so that statement may be false). Lunarsoft forums user cluberti can confirm or deny. :hmm:


Welcome to Lunarsoft, Hotrossi!

It sounds like your issues are stemming from Windows Installer. If you could, please rerun Dial-a-fix and select the MSI section. When that finishes running, click the Log button (paper icon) and post a log here for us to review.

When you attempted to install Windows Installer 3.1 did you encounter any error messages?

Hi Tarun, many thanks for the reply... well after many attempts at various things over the last cple of days and also the re-install of the Win Installer 3.1 again - (which seems to install with out a problem?) again, I am still with the same problem, I did the re-run of "Dial a fix" and have printed the log below as it say's I cannot upload this type of file? it state's it could not clear the temp file completely but it is only a nondesript file which is an internet temp page I think, nothing to do with any msi etc.

Notes about this log:

1) "->" denotes an external command being executed, and "-> (number)" indicates

the return code from the previous command

2) Not all external command return codes are accurate, or useful

3) Sometimes commands return 0 (no error) even when they fail or crash

4) If an error occurs while registering an object, please send an email to:

dial-a-fix@DjLizard.net and include a copy of this log

DAF version: v0.60.0.24

--- System info ---

OS: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2

IE version: 7.0.5730.11

MPC: 76487-640

CPU: AMD Athlon XP 1600+ (~1390MHz)

BIOS: 20/09/2001

Memory (approx): 1023MB

Uptime: 8 hour(s)

Current directory: C:\WINDOWS\system32


23/04/2008 21:27:04 -- Dial-a-fix : [v0.60.0.24] -- started

21:27:04 | Policy scan started

21:27:04 | Policy scan ended - no restrictive policies were found

--- Emptying temp folders ---

21:27:09 | Deleting C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp...

21:27:09 | C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp could not be completely emptied, please reboot and try again

21:27:09 | Deleting C:\WINDOWS\temp...

21:27:09 | C:\WINDOWS\temp has been re-created

21:27:09 | Deleting C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp...

21:27:09 | Re-created directory C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp

--- Emptying temp folders ---

21:27:18 | Deleting C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp...

21:27:18 | C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp could not be completely emptied, please reboot and try again

21:27:18 | Deleting C:\WINDOWS\temp...

21:27:18 | C:\WINDOWS\temp has been re-created

21:27:18 | Deleting C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp...

21:27:18 | Re-created directory C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp

--- MSI ---

21:27:27 | Registered: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll

Many thanks.....


Dial-a-fix was not written with x64 Pro in mind. As a 32-bit program it is not allowed to access most critical parts of the OS (i.e., it can't fix your system). x64 Pro shoehorns 32-bit apps in by using a technology called WoW64 (Windows-on-Windows). WoW64 virtualizes 32-bit apps so that they can't write to the 64-bit registry or 64-bit System32 directory directly. Yes, it's confusing that WoW64 handles 32-bit programs and that the System32 directory is the 64-bit version. (Meanwhile, C:\Windows\SysWoW64 is the 32-bit System32. Whew!) Anyway, Dial-a-fix cannot not help x64 currently.

I don't have any suggestions currently for x64 issues as I do not have much experience in repairing it (I've been using it on my work computer but don't know that much about it).

I highly suggest contacting Microsoft Product Support Services. They'll be able to help you with turning on advanced MSI logging, reading the event logs, etc. You should start with the email route as I believe you may be asked for money if you phone them (because it's an OEM product. I'm not really sure about the procedures/rules so that statement may be false). Lunarsoft forums user cluberti can confirm or deny. :wave:

Hi Dj, Being a newbie, I must admit I found your answer a little confusing... lol however, I think i catch the drift, I just need to delete or clear out all the msi bit's and start again "so-to-speak" I have almost considered trying to re-install windows using the repair part so that i do not lose all my info, but it just over-write the windows files etc, but I recall that the last time i did it a year or so back, I correctly chose not to use the recovery consol but waited for it to come up with the repair option... but it did not offer it! instead it just installed a clean copy of windows and I lost everything, so I am very reluctant to go that route until I have tried all other alternatives, after all, it is not as if I cannot use windows, it's just that it will not install any new programs or update certain ones, so it does have a ltd use for now... lol many thanks anyway both to you and Tarun for taking the trouble to help - (as mentioned before - I have never used a forum before and it was a nice surprise to get replies of help....

  • Administrator

We can check the Event Viewer to try and resolve this issue.

You can go to the Event Viewer by going to Start, Run and entering:


You will want to check the System and Application logs for errors relating to the Microsoft Installer.


We can check the Event Viewer to try and resolve this issue.

You can go to the Event Viewer by going to Start, Run and entering:


You will want to check the System and Application logs for errors relating to the Microsoft Installer.

Hi Tarun,

I do appreciate your help and patience and offer my sincere thanks, especially for the above tip etc, something else I did not know about..lol,

Well, I checked the eventvwr, cleared it and reloaded msi 3.1 again, checked all the files in the event viewer and the 3.1 loaded without a problem, there was only one error, an sptd driver which was failing on start up, I downloaded an upgrade of the driver and now everything is showing as perfect, however, going back to my problem and trying to load up any new program like Google earth etc,... it still comes up with the same d*** error: "

This installation package cannot be opened, verify the package exists and you can access it, or contact the vendor to verify this is a valid windows installer package"

It really is very frustrating, I do love a challenge but sometimes......... lol dizzy.png

  • Administrator

Go to Start > Run > regedit

We're going to create/edit a registry string to get a detailed log.

System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer]

Value Name: Logging

Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value)

Create a new string value called "Logging" and set it to a value of "voicewarmup" to enable all the logging options.

MSI Registry


Go to Start > Run > regedit

We're going to create/edit a registry string to get a detailed log.

System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer]

Value Name: Logging

Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value)

Create a new string value called "Logging" and set it to a value of "voicewarmup" to enable all the logging options.

MSI Registry

Hi Tarun,

Hummmmm!!! I can see why you work out of the Tardis :wave: .... (only joking) Ok, I have backed up the "HKEY locMachine hive" and have now edited it as you suggested above, the MSI Registry link was very useful in understanding it ... thanks

  • Administrator

Quite welcome. I hope this helps to get a log of what's happening. :wave:


Quite welcome. I hope this helps to get a log of what's happening. :D

Hi again Tarun, I have tried to install 2 progs, Google Earth & a video vonverter prog "supereasy", in each one the msi log is almost the same, (Copy pasted below) it seems as if it gets to a certain point and then it reads: MSI © (E0:5C) [21:31:10:486]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0 and it returns it as being unable to install? is this something you would understand as to what the prob is? only I am lost here now as to how to correct it.

Both the logs are below:

=== Verbose logging started: 01/05/2008 21:31:10 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 3.01.4000.4039 Calling process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSIEXEC.EXE ===

MSI © (E0:5C) [21:31:10:395]: Resetting cached policy values

MSI © (E0:5C) [21:31:10:395]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 7

MSI © (E0:5C) [21:31:10:395]: ******* RunEngine:

******* Product: C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\7ZipSfx.000\Google Earth.msi

******* Action:

******* CommandLine: TRANSFORMS="2057.MST" SETUPEXEDIR="C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\7ZipSfx.000"

MSI © (E0:5C) [21:31:10:486]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0

MSI © (E0:5C) [21:31:10:496]: Note: 1: 1324 2: Google Earth.msi 3: 1

MSI © (E0:5C) [21:31:10:496]: MainEngineThread is returning 2

=== Verbose logging stopped: 01/05/2008 21:31:10 ===

=== Verbose logging started: 01/05/2008 21:28:55 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 3.01.4000.4039 Calling process: C:\WINDOWS\System32\msiexec.exe ===

MSI © (78:64) [21:28:55:572]: Resetting cached policy values

MSI © (78:64) [21:28:55:572]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 7

MSI © (78:64) [21:28:55:572]: ******* RunEngine:

******* Product: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\supereasy.msi

******* Action:

******* CommandLine:

MSI © (78:64) [21:28:55:612]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0

MSI © (78:64) [21:28:55:622]: Note: 1: 1324 2: Documents and Settings 3: 1

MSI © (78:64) [21:28:55:622]: MainEngineThread is returning 2

=== Verbose logging stopped: 01/05/2008 21:28:55 ===

I also re-loaded "WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe" again and it loaded without a problem in the "eventvwr.log

Once again many thanks :wave:


What I'm seeing in each is the error returned is "1324", which means "The folder path contains an invalid character". Not sure where this is, but it's saying it can't read some path on your machine.

If possible, perhaps get a Process Monitor log (save the log as a .pml file once captured) so you (or we) can see what paths the installer is reading. It's basically complaining about a folder on your machine it can't parse (for whatever reason, the error is fairly vague).


What I'm seeing in each is the error returned is "1324", which means "The folder path contains an invalid character". Not sure where this is, but it's saying it can't read some path on your machine.

If possible, perhaps get a Process Monitor log (save the log as a .pml file once captured) so you (or we) can see what paths the installer is reading. It's basically complaining about a folder on your machine it can't parse (for whatever reason, the error is fairly vague).

Hi Cuberti, thanks for your interest & help,

You are absolutely right, it says "Error 1324.The folder path 'Program Files' contains an invalid character."

=== Logging stopped: 30/11/2550 11:59:58 ===.

Well, Ive been away on biz for few days, came back afresh and ran the process monitor, I tried to keep it short etc, ran install of "superEasy Video" prog etc, started in the log @ 11410 (which still resulted with usual error as before) I've looked down the process chart (which seems quite complex in parts) to see if I can spot anything obvious in the load up aprt from "Name not found" eg: Proc line 20780 but is ok by 20782? (All of which seem to appears in many threads of other Progs including the supereasy Video prog loadup) I have now spent about 3 days going thru this file with the many different filters activated and i still cannot find the scource of the problem, I tried to attach the file here for anyone to peruse, but as it is still 820k when zipped, it does not allow me to attach it. many thanks....

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrator

Hotrossi, have you been able to get your issue resolved yet?


Hotrossi, have you been able to get your issue resolved yet?

:wave: Tarun, thanks for your concern but no, I have resigned to living with it until such time as I have to do a complete re-install of Windows, perhaps when I eventually decide to go for Vista, which I have been putting off as I feel WinXp at the moment is far better. I ran the process monitor as Cluberti suggested and spent 2 to 3 days playing around and looking through it, but it has so many filters etc, that short of spotting something obvious, I really do not know what I am looking for. It certainly has something to do with an invalid character in the path as Cluberti outlined, because it has come up with that error in the past. What foxes me is that it will allow some programs to install but not others, I can understand a 3rd party program not being accepted to install, but that is not the case, it accepted "Primo PDF, Manycam2, Hello Engines 6 and Apec soft Avi joiner etc,

but programs like Windows Live messenger and Google earth, where one would assume to be ok - being a valid widows approved program - it just stops and comes up with the error problem.

Anyway, many thanks for all those that offered their help and suggestions, I really appreciated it, it was also a good for me too being a first time experience in using a forum. I am now off to Dubai for a week tomorrow so I will get a break from it all.

Cheers... :D


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