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G'day Tarun,

I finally stumbled across your PC Maintenance page :hug: and :P to a very nice layout and easy to follow steps.

Just a quick suggestion, under 'Technical Support' it might be a good idea to post a link (make it a 'Sticky') to the page as not everyone reads the frontpage of the site, nor do a lot of people read 'The Rules' till later on.

This way by putting it in as a 'sticky' people will find it a lot sooner and you'll save yourself time and hassle by directing them there, before they start asking nebulous questions about what they should be doing.

Cheers :P


Psst, read me


Psst, re-read mine :P

Just a quick suggestion, under 'Technical Support' it might be a good idea to post a link (make it a 'Sticky') to the page as not everyone reads the frontpage of the site, nor do a lot of people read 'The Rules' till later on.

Was only a suggestion anyways, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it as we all seem to be able to steer new folk in the right direction when it comes to helping someone. :hug:

Cheers :P



Don't mind me, I'm just quietly going senile here. :P

Finally realised where the link was actually pointing to. :hug:

Might want to send this thread into the aether........... :P

Cheers :P


Made me smile as well. :angry:

Just a shame the look of the maintenance page does not quite mimmick the rest of Lunarsoft.

Any plans to do so in the future Tarun?


Hmmm, had a read of the 'Tutorial' and it seems straight forward for a bare-bones module, that is, no formatting, no layout, no CSS, etc.

Not knowing how MKPortal is structured I'm afraid I can't help with this one :( as I'm only familiar with phpNuke portal formatting and module creation.

Sooooo, I'll handball this one off to someone else who might have a better knowledge of MKPortal than I.

Cheers :angry:

  • Administrator

Here's the php code.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
		<style type="text/css">
		a {
			text-decoration: none;
		<title>PC Maintenance</title>

	<?php $step = $_POST['step'];
		if($step == ""){
	<u>Disclaimer</u>:  I am in no way, shape, or form affiliated with these applications.  I simply work with them as a hobby.  I do however have roughly ten years of computer experience.  By viewing this page and/or downloading any files, you agree that I am in no way legally responsible for damage to your computer software or hardware.  The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the covered code is with you.  Should any covered code prove defective in any respect, you (Not the initial developer or any other contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, repair, or correction.  By seeking my assistance you hereby waive any possible means of legal action or otherwise.
	<br /><br />
	<center><br /><form name="steps" action='Removed legacy URL' method="post"><input type='hidden' name='step' value='agree' /><input type='submit' name='I agree' value='I agree' /></form></center>
	<?php }
	elseif($step == "agree"){
		$cwshred = "2.16";
		$spywareblast = "3.4";
		$msas = "1.0.615";
		$adware = "1.06";
		$spybot = "1.4";
		$ccleaner = "v1.23.160";
		$hijack = "1.99.1";
		<br />
		<center><h3>PC Maintenance</h3></center>

				<br />
				<br />
			<a href="#download">Download Needed Files</a><br />
			<a href="#antivirus">Free Online Anti-Virus Utilities</a><br />
			<a href="#install">Installation Instructions</a><br />
			<a href="#orderoperations">Order Of Operations</a><br />
			<a href="#settings:cws">Settings for CWShredder <?php echo $cwshred; ?></a><br />
			<a href="#settings:spywareblaster">Settings for Spyware Blaster <?php echo $spywareblast; ?></a><br />
			<a href="#settings:msas">Settings for Microsoft Anti-Spyware <?php echo $msas; ?></a><br />
			<a href="#settings:ad-aware">Settings for Ad-Aware SE Personal <?php echo $adware; ?></a><br />
			<a href="#settings:spybot">Settings for SpyBot S&amp;D <?php echo $spybot; ?></a><br />
			<a href="#settings:ccleaner">Settings for CCleaner <?php echo $ccleaner; ?></a><br />
			<a href="#settings:hijack">Settings for Hijack This <?php echo $hijack; ?></a>
			<br />
			<br />
			<u>Last updated</u>:  <script language="JAVASCRIPT" type="text/JAVASCRIPT">
			<br />
			<br />
			Website now 100% compatible for Firefox and Internet Explorer.</ol>
			<hr />
			<a name="download" id="download">
				<ol><b><u>Download Needed Files</u></b></ol>
			<ol type="1">
				<li><form action="http://cwshredder.net/bin/CWShredder.exe" method="get" name="fname" id="fname"><input type="submit" value="CWShredder <?php echo $cwshred; ?>" name="submit" /> (457 KB)</form></li>
				<li><form action="http:/ct7support.com/downloads/javacool/z341a/spywareblastersetup34.exe" method="get" name="fname" id="fname"><input type="submit" value="Spyware Blaster <?php echo $spywareblast; ?>" name="submit" /> (2.44 MB)</form></li>
				<li><form action="http://download.microsoft.com/dowload/8/1/5/815d2d60-49b5-44dc-ae35-fca2f2c6f0cc/MicrosoftAntiSpywareInstall.exe" method="get" name="fname" id="fname"><input type="submit" value="Microsoft Anti-Spyware" name="submit" /> (6.22 MB)</form></li>
				<li><form actin="http://www.aeicomputertech.com/_downloads/aawsepersonal.exe" method="get" name="fname" id="fname"><input type="submit" value="Ad-Aware SE Personal <?php echo $adware; ?>" name="submit" /> (2.72 MB)</form></li>
				<li><form actin="http://www.net-integration.net/downloads/spybotsd14.exe" method="get" name="fname" id="fname"><input type="submit" value="Spybot Search &amp; Destroy <?php echo $spybot; ?>" name="submit" /> (4.80 MB)</form></li>
				<li><form action="http://download.softpedia.com/software/system/ccsetup119.exe" method="get" name="fname" id="fname"><input type="submit" value="CCleaner <?php echo $ccleaner; ?>" name="submit" /> (435 KB)</form></li>
				<li><form action="http://www.merijn.org/files/hijackthis.zip" method="get" name="fname" id="fname"><input type="submit" value="HijackThis <?php echo $hijack; ?>" name="submit" /> (208 KB)</form>
				<form action="http://www.zerosrealm.com/downloads/hjt.zip" method="get" name="fname" id="fname">Link above not working for HijackThis <?php echo $hijack; ?>?  <input type="submit" value="Mirror" name="submit" /></form>
				Download all of the above applications in one rar or zip below.  It's your choice!
				<br />
				<br />
				<form action="http://downloads.locias.com/anti-malware/Anti-Malware.rar" method="get" name="fname" id="fname"><input type="submit" value="Anti-Malware Package Rar" name="submit" /> (14.5 MB)</form>
				<form action="http://downloads.locias.com/anti-malware/Anti-Malware.zip" method="get" name="fname" id="fname"><input type="submit" value="Anti-Malware Package Zip" name="submit" /> (16.0 MB)</form>
			<hr />
			<a name="antivirus">
			<ol><b><u>Free Online Anti-Virus Utilities</u></b>
			<br />
			<br />
			<a href="http://housecall.trendmicro.com/housecall/start_corp.asp">Trend Micro - Virus Scan</a> (Works for Firefox, Netscape, IE and more)<br />
			<br />
			To use these you need to run your Internet Explorer web browser.
			<br />
			<br />
			<a href="http://us.mcafee.com/root/mfs/default.asp">McAfee Free Scan - Virus Scan Only</a><br />
			<a href="http://security.symantec.com/default.asp?productid=symhome&amp;langid=ie&amp;venid=sym">Symantec Security Check - Virus Scan Only/Firewall Check</a>
			<br />
			<br />
			Free Anti-Virus to run on your PC.
			<br />
			<br />
			<a href="http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_home.html">Avast Home Edition</a>
			<br />
			<a href="http://free.grisoft.com/doc/2/lng/us/tpl/v5">AVG Free Edition</a>
			<hr />
			<a name="install" id="install">
			<ol><u><b>Installation Instructions</b></u></ol>
			<ol type="1">
				<li>Install Spyware Blaster <?php echo $spywareblast; ?></li>
				<li>Install Microsoft Anti-Spyware $msas</li>
				<li>Install Ad-Aware SE Personal <?php echo $adware; ?></li>
				<li>Install SpyBot S&amp;D <?php echo $spybot; ?></li>
				<li>Install CCleaner <?php echo $ccleaner; ?></li>
				<br />
				<b>Be sure to update to the most recent definitions, then run a full system scan with the configurations below.</b>
			<hr />
			<a name="orderoperations">
			<ol><b><u>Order Of Operations</u></b>
				<br />
				<br />
				If you want me to clean your system here's what you have to do.<br />
				You may wish to bookmark this page so you may return to it easier and faster.
				<br />
			<ol type="1">
				<li>Boot your computer into Safe Mode (F8 during the Windows logo screen on bootup).</li>
				<li>Scan for viruses.  (<a href="#antivirus">Free Online Scanners</a>)</li>
				<li>Run CWShredder <?php echo $cwshred; ?>.  (<a href="#settings:cws">Instructions</a>)</li>
				<li>Run Spyware Blaster <?php echo $spywareblast; ?>.  (<a href="#settings:spywareblaster">Instructions</a>)</li>
				<li>Run Microsoft Anti-Spyware <?php echo $msas; ?>.  (<a href="#settings:msas">Instructions</a>)</li>
				<li>Run Ad-Aware SE Personal <?php echo $adware; ?>.  (<a href="#settings:ad-aware">Instructions</a>)</li>
				<li>Run SpyBot S&amp;D <?php echo $spybot; ?>.  (<a href="#settings:spybot">Instructions</a>)</li>
				<br />
				At this point, you should reboot your computer and repeat steps 2, 5, and 6 if you have not already done so.</li>
			<ol type="1" start="7">
				<li>Run CCleaner <?php echo $ccleaner; ?>. (<a href="#settings:ccleaner">Instructions</a>)</li>
				<li>Run Hijack This <?php echo $hijack; ?>. (<a href="#settings:hijack">Instructions</a>)</li>
				<li>Run <a href="http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com">Microsoft Windows Update</a>.</li>
			<ol><form action="http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-1.0.4&os=win&lang=en-US" method="get" name="fname" id="fname">I <b>HIGHLY</b> recommend uing <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/">Firefox</a> as your browser.  <input type="submit" value="Download Firefox 1.0.4" name="submit" /></form>
				I have also written up documentation for tweaking and optimizing Firefox.<br />
				If you are interested you may view this direct url to the <a href="http://lunarsoft.optichosts.net/Forums/viewforum/f=9.html">Lunarsoft Forum</a> that features the tweaking guide.
				<br />
				<br />
				<form action="http://ww.verisign.com/advisor/check.html" method="get" name="fname" id="fname">If you'd like to check your browser's security, check with this link.  <input type="submit" value="Web Browser SSL Check" name="submit" /></form>
				If you came here through any other website then do the following.
			<ol type="1">
				<li>Click this link to <a href="http://lunarsoft.locias.com/Your_Account/register.html">register</a> on my Lunarsoft website and forums.</li>
				<li>Make a post under this <a href="http://lunarsoft.locias.com/Forums/viewforum/f=11.html">HijackThis forum</a>.</li>
				<b>GOOD LUCK!</b>
				<br />
				<br />
				Tarun Nightfyre
			<hr />
			<a name="settings:cws" id="settings:cws">
			<ol><u><b>Settings for CWShredder <?php echo $cwshred; ?></b></u></ol>
			<ol type="1">
				<li>Click &quot;Fix -&gt;&quot;.</li>
				<li>Close all browser windows that are open.</li>
				<li>Click &quot;OK&quot; on the message box that tells you to close all open browser windows to ensure CWS is cleaned and removed.</li>
				<li>After it scans through, a report will be made.  Click &quot;Next -&gt;&quot; and allow it to fix the problems found, if any were discovered.</li>
				<li>Click &quot;Exit&quot; as you are finished.</li>
			<hr />
			<a name="settings:spywareblaster" id="settings:spywareblaster">
			<ol><u><b>Settings for Spyware Blaster <?php echo $spywareblast; ?></b></u></ol>
			<ol type="1">This is by far the easiest application to update and apply simply by doing the following.
				<br />
				<br />
				<li>Under &quot;Quick Tasks&quot; click &quot;Download Latest Protection Updates&quot;.</li>
				<li>Click &quot;Protection&quot; on the left side of the application.</li>
				<li>Under &quot;Quick Tasks&quot; click &quot;Enable All Protection&quot;.</li>
			<hr />
			<a name="settings:msas">
			<ol><u><b>Settings for Microsoft Anti-Spyware <?php echo $spywareblast; ?></b></u>
			<br />
			<br />
			Open Microsoft Anti-Spyware.  Click on &quot;File&quot; and then &quot;Check for updates...&quot;</ol>
			<ol type="1">
				<li>Click &quot;Scan Options&quot;.</li>
				<li>Select &quot;Run a full system scan&quot;.</li>
				<li>Make sure every option is checked.</li>
				<li>Check &quot;Save these options&quot;.</li>
				<li>Click &quot;Scan Now&quot; to begin scanning.</li>
					<hr />
					<a name="settings:ad-aware" id="settings:ad-aware">
			<ol><u><b>Settings for Ad-Aware SE Personal <?php echo $adware; ?></b></u></ol>
			<ol type="1">
				<li>Open Ad-Aware SE Personal <?php echo $adware; ?> and click on the Configuration (The metal gear button).
				<br />All of the items mentioned below should be checked (green checkmark).  If you cannot check them off, simply skip them.</li>
				<ol type="A">
					<li>Under &quot;General&quot;:  Make sure every option is checked.</li>
					<li>Under &quot;Scanning&quot;:  Make sure every option except &quot;Skip files larger than:&quot; is checked.</li>
					<li>Under &quot;Advanced&quot;:  Make sure everything under &quot;Logfile Detail Level&quot; is checked.</li>
					<li>Under &quot;Defaults&quot;:  Click &quot;Read current settings from system&qot;; or enter Default Homepage of &quot;about:blank&quot; and Default searchpage of &quot;http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=ie&amp;ar=iesearch&quot;.</li>
					<li>Under &quot;Tweak&quot;:
					<ul type="circle">
						<li>Scanning Engine:  Unload recognized processes &amp; modules during scan, Run scan as background process (Low priority), Scan registry for all users instead of current user only.</li>
						<li>Cleaning Engine:  Make sure every option is checked except for &quot;Disable manual quarantine if auto-quarantine is selected&quot;.</li>
						<li>Safety Settings:  Check item &quot;Reanalyze results after scanning before displaying results lists&quot;.</li>
						<li>Log Files:  Make sure every option is checked.</li>
						<li>User Interface:  Check items &quot;Use gridlines in results lists&quot; and &quot;Show detail tooltips in results lists&quot;.</li>
						<li>Misc Settings:  Disable the option &quot;Play sound at scan completion if scan locates critical objects&quot;.</li>
				<li>Now you will click Proceed.</li>
				<li>When you scan, click Scan now on the left side or press Start.</li>
				<li>Next, select the option &quot;Use custom scanning options&quot; and make sure &quot;Search for negligible risk entries&quot; is checked.</li>
				<li><b>Press Next to begin scanning.</b></li>
			<hr />
			<a name="settings:spybot">
			<ol><u><b>Settings for SpyBot S&amp;D <?php echo $spybot; ?></b></u>
			<br />
			<br />
			<b>*</b> <u><b>NOTE</b></u>:  You do NOT need to run or activate TeaTimer or SDHelper.<br />
			I have found these to slow down the system with &quot;added protection&quot;.<br />
			This document is to help remove and prevent further spyware and adware infestations, along with improving your computers performance.<br />
			If you wish to have the extra protection, simply enable SDHelper.
					<br />
					<br />
			<u><b>FIRST TIME ONLY</b></u></ol>
			<ol type="1">
				<li>Click &quot;Mode&quot; -&gt; &quot;Advanced&quot;.</li>
				<li>Click &quot;Yes&quot; on the message box that appears.</li>
				<li>Click &quot;Settings&quot; -&gt;  &quot;File Sets&quot;  -&gt;  Make sure everything is checked.</li>
			<ol><u><b>After EVERY update and starting of the application</b></u></ol>
			<ol type="1">
				<li>Click on Update and check for updates.  If found, install all of them.</li>
				<li>Click &quot;Immunize&quot; and let it scan and apply these settings.</li>
				<li>Click &quot;Search &amp; Destroy&quot; and then click &quot;Check for Problems&quot;</li>
				This will find any spyware/adware installed and also offer to clean your usage tracks.<br />
				If you have your folders set in a special way, simply do not check off Windows Explorer in the usage tracks reported</li>
			<hr />
			<a name="settings:ccleaner" id="settings:ccleaner">
			<ol><u><b>Settings for CCleaner <?php echo $ccleaner; ?></b></u></ol>
			<ol type="1">
				<li>Click the &quot;Windows&quot; tab and check EVERY option.</li>
				<li>Click the &quot;Applications&quot; tab and check EVERY option.</li>
				<li>Click the &quot;Run Cleaner&quot; button.</li>
			<ol><u><b>ADVANCED USERS ONLY</b></u><br />
			This will work with your registry.  If you do not feel comfortable making changes to your registry then skip this section.</ol>
			<ol type="1">
				<li>Click the &quot;Issues&quot; tab and check EVERY option.</li>
				<li>Click the &quot;Scan For Issues&quot; button.</li>
				<li>Right click and choose &quot;Select All&quot;.</li>
				<li>Click the &quot;Fix selected issues...&quot; button.</li>
				<li>Click &quot;Yes&quot; when asked to backup changes to the registry.</li>
				<li>Save the backup for repairing these issues so you may find it easily when you need it in the future.</li>
			<hr />
			<a name="settings:hijack" id="settings:hijack">
			<ol><u><b>Settings for Hijack This <?php echo $hijack; ?></b></u></ol>
			<ol type="1">
				<li>Click &quot;Do not show this frame again when I start HijackThis&quot; at the bottom.</li>
				<li>Click the &quot;Scan&quot; button.</li>
				<li>Click the &quot;Save Log&quot; button.</li>
				<li>Name your log with your screen name and add .txt to the end.  (Example: Tarun-Hijack.txt)		</li>
	<?php } ?>




<style type="text/css">

Above is the part where you need to find where the CSS is located within your directory structure and reference back to it.

Be aware, that is a partially educated guess on my part as after having looked at all the code, it in no way resembles how phpNuke is written.

In fact, from what I've seen this portal is a mixture of html and php therefore not making it easy for me to see what should go where.

Might want to give it a try and see what happens, and I'll borrow your disclaimer for it if it turns its toes up :dunce:

Cheers :angry:

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