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Microsoft veteran embraces open source


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There is a story on the New York Times about Keith Curtis, a long-time Microsoft employee who worked at Microsoft since 1993, working on things like Windows, Office, MSN and research.

He left the company in 2004 because he got bored, subsequently he tried out Linux for the first time, researched open source and wrote the book After the Software Wars.

He compares open source software and proprietary software with science and alchemy.

Before there were alchemy when people used closely-guarded secret formulas and tried to convert lead to gold, but real science started with the embrace of openness and sharing of information.

He argues that in the long-run, Microsoft is toast.


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Likewise -- a very interesting item and thanks for posting, Eldmannen.

A free sampler of the book is still available (PDF file, approx 2.7MB, 22 pages + Front Cover + Table of Contents + Author's note) by following the link on the publisher's website.


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