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WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation problem


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Hm.. Lets start ;)

I have windows xp + sp3 integrated cd. I did nLite of it (guess you know what it is) and removed some stuff i don't need. BUT, i obviously removed more than i should, and i have this error when i install my windows.


This applies to all network adapters, and is same for every hardware, so its problem in my instalation i think. Something has not to be removed, but i wanna know what caused this error.

I am open for discussion, please help me solve this ;)

here is nLite ini file:


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Welcome to Lunarsoft, domyrat!

Since there's no real way to tell everything that was removed that depended on WMI, etc; your best bet would be to format and use the normal Windows install cd. It's guaranteed to make sure everything works properly without risks.

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Welcome to Lunarsoft, domyrat!

Since there's no real way to tell everything that was removed that depended on WMI, etc; your best bet would be to format and use the normal Windows install cd. It's guaranteed to make sure everything works properly without risks.

Hm, i know of that solution ;) BUT i want to know why doesnt work, what is the problem.

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Then do trial-and-error nLite installations by removing one component each time, until you find what component causes WMI to stop working.

It will take 100 years.

Yes, that's true. That's why I asked here, in hope someone knows what was responsible for that. That's why I added nlite ini file what i removed.

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