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An Idea for a Forum


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I have made a request to Tarun to have

a separate forum in News & Websites specifically for Alpha and Beta Versions of Software be made. I think it would be much better if they are classified separately a possible name could be to call it , " Coming Soon " or " Not Ready for Prime Time " it would relieved some of the clutter of backpage and make it easier for people to realize it's use at your own risk anything posted within this particular forum and have it captioned with description like this for example. " Not Ready for Prime Time " This forum is for software that is in developmental stages. Please tread lightly, Warning! you are about to enter at your own risk, any use of this software is done so at ones own peril. This way the Staff can post here to segregate these not yet ready for prime time software from the stable programs posted in the Back Page Forum that are final releases that pose no threat to the functionality of their Computers. Please give us some imput regarding this Thank You RTZ

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Just a passing thought, but we could start to tag topic titles like

[Alpha] Generic Software

[beta] Generic Software

yeah need to add that alpha or beta into title if when researching it and doing the article on the software and its included in the title by the development team or not.I totally agree. i just think no mistake its in that specific forum for good reason to inform only , but not recomended in its current developmental stage. thus creating no heartache for guests or members who are not quite advanced users. A safety net more or less this coming out soon here's some information to spur some interest something new to look forward to,but not to mislead anyone that its a go to use it even if there is an actual download available.

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