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windows installer keeps poping up


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I'm not sure when this hapened or how, but windows installer keeps poping up say : preparring to install. If I leave it alone it goes away by itself. this hapens when I open up IE 8 or a aplication that uses windows installer. Also when I try to open up microsoft ofice, it wont open up, get a massage "windows installer can not be accest. This happens becaus I used the comand dialog box to remove windows installer as per dial o fix instuctions. I then downloaded windows installer 4.5 which is a hotfix, and when I try to open microsoft office 2003, I get a message." the patch pakage could not be opened. varifythat the patch pacage exsits and that you can accsses it, or contact the the apllication vendorto verify that this is a valid widow installer patch package. I got insaller 4.5 hot fix stait fron microsoft download site.I'v spent a lot of money on regestry clen up tools, I,v speent hours surfing the net for anssers, I bought a softwear product called Immage repair and ran that and foun out my hard drive was worn out, slow speed, so I bougt a new har drive and installed that, and cloned my old hard drive, also cloneing the windows installer problem. Now my PC works really god except for windows installer issues. As windows XP was allready insaled on my PC whe I got it I do not have an insallation dissc for it even if i did and wanted to it wold take a long time to reinstall I my pogrames which half of them are ones I bought off line, and have lost the regestation keys to

can soomone help, Is ther soomthing I can buy to fix this issue. I realy need my folders in ofice 2003.


If Windows Installer keeps popping up, it would be helpful to have logs of the installation errors (or even why it's trying to reinstall something in the first place) - what you're seeing is the Installer database trying to repair something it thinks is "broken". This KB article talks about enabling Windows Installer verbose logging - I suggest you do that, and then reproduce the Office installation issue. Zip up and attach the log file to your response here (it will be in the folder %temp% once you have created a log file).


On april 19/10 I posted a problem about windows installer always popping up when I open IE8 or a program that uses windows installer. I useally dissable windows installer when on the internet but when I want to use microsoft office I have to enable installer again. This is qute a nussance since every time I try to open a saved document I have to wait approxemetly 1 minute for the windows insaller diolog box to dissapear. I took your advice about getting windows insaller logs. I am going to attach 2 of them whith this post and hope this will help in resolving my problem. I have only been using a computer for a year so these log mean almost nothing to me. Thank you for your imput. I dont know how to add an attachment to this post


To add attachments, click the "Use Full Editor" button below the text area when posting or editing a post. Attachments controls will then appear below the text area.


I will try to use full editor to attach a couple of installer logs. I would also like to mention that if I use mazzola fire fox to open my internet brousser, the windows installer box dose not pop up. Seems that internet explorer is related to the problem. I dit try to uninstall IE8 and my computer went back to IE6, of cours anything I installed on my computer after I installed IE

8 did not work to good. This didn't work so I reinstalled IE8. I saved these logs in my documents, they come up on a notbook log, but I get a message I'm not allowed to upload this kind of file. How can I change the file to upload it. Thankyou for any imput you may have.


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