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Psst, use Paint to make images as jpgs.  :lol:


Eh? What version of MSPaint allows you to save as jpgs?

Reason I ask we're still using Office 97 and Paint won't let you save in anything bar bmp.

And it's no use telling me to upgrade, this is at work. Work being Defence Force and they're only now looking at going away from NT and using XP and by the time we get XP, Vista will be out :eyeroll:

Cheers :lol:

  • Administrator

Make a PaintExtentions.txt file, enter the following code.


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics Filters\Export]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics Filters\Export\GIF]
"Name"="Graphics Interchange Format"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics Filters\Export\GIF\Options]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics Filters\Export\JPEG]
"Name"="JPEG File Interchange Format"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics Filters\Export\JPEG\Options]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics Filters\Export\PNG]
"Name"="Portable Network Graphics"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics Filters\Export\PNG\Options]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Graphics Filters\Export\TIFF]
"Name"="Tag Image File Format"

Next, rename the extension from .txt to .reg and import.


G'day Tarun,

if that was directed at me, that's a 'No Go'. We can't make any registry entries or changes. Goes against IT usage policy, and it's been disabled.

Cheers :lol:

  • Administrator

Talk with your IT staff and let them know of the problem. Let them know there's a code they can enter into the registry to resolve the issue. :lol:


Talk with your IT staff and let them know of the problem.  Let them know there's a code they can enter into the registry to resolve the issue.  :)



Ya know, you've got a wicked sense of humour.

It's easier for me to get money from the bank manager than it is trying to get our IT staff to make simple changes that would benefit everyone.

Couple that with the roll-out of XP on it's way (6-8 months :eyeroll:) and I can tell you the answer now. NO!

But thanks for the info, I'll file that away as I have some friends that are still mucking around with Win98 :P

Cheers :hello:


Eh? What version of MSPaint allows you to save as jpgs?

Reason I ask we're still using Office 97 and Paint won't let you save in anything bar bmp.


What about saving as a .bmp, then once it has saved change the extension to .jpg?


No, won't work as the formatting for both types of image files is different.

It's not a problem really as I do have MSPhoto Editor. I save the file as a bmp, open with MSPhoto Editor and resave as jpg and vice versa.

Just tends to be a pain especially seeing it's at work and most times if images are involved people want them yesterday.

Cheers :hello:

  • Administrator

I doubt he can, if they can't even make a simple registry change.

Shame there's no portable Paint.NET (See why .NET SUCKS!) or something nice like that.


I doubt he can, if they can't even make a simple registry change.

Shame there's no portable Paint.NET (See why .NET SUCKS!) or something nice like that.


Absolutely correct. Can't install/uninstall, change anything without the Spanish Inquisition.

Just getting a program loaded (in my case MSAccess) took a truck load of paperwork justifying why I needed it and then it took on near a month to be able to use it.

Gotta love bureaucrazy (sic)!

Cheers :hello:


Absolutely correct.  Can't install/uninstall, change anything without the Spanish Inquisition.

Just getting a program loaded (in my case MSAccess) took a truck load of paperwork justifying why I needed it and then it took on near a month to be able to use it.

Gotta love bureaucrazy (sic)!

Cheers :hello:


LOL well I was really nice to IT and they changed just about anything I wanted them to. Course they were "MALE" and I'm "FEMALE" LMAO :P


Heheh, it just gets better.

Running on NT (which we're currently using), USB can't be used without a patch and once we get XP it's going to be disabled. Gotta love overzealous security.

Yeah, I could do.

However, if caught, it's against our IT regulations and can lead to dismissal. I don't hate my work that much...... yet! :P

Cheers :hello:

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