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I don't agree with animal testing....

they get nervous and give the wrong answers.


Could you elaborate?

What don't you agree with? Who gets nervous? Who gives the wrong answers?


:D Have you been taking some silly pills hazelnut? :D

I thought this was going to be something serious at first.

Who gets nervous? Who gives the wrong answers?

The animals when you test them.


:cry: Have you been taking some silly pills hazelnut? :D

I thought this was going to be something serious at first.

Who gets nervous? Who gives the wrong answers?

The animals when you test them.


I don't get it. AND I do animal testing.

With much love, and ethics I add. I don't hurt them. I love animals.


I don't agree with animal testing....

they get nervous and give the wrong answers.


I'd expect math to be more difficult for them than anything else. :cry:


I don't get it.

Animal testing. You know either testing an animal, or giving an animal a test. :D


Oh...(I'm a dork). I didn't get it because animal testing does include giving animals tests. Although not math tests! :cry:


Oh...(I'm a dork).  I didn't get it because animal testing does include giving animals tests.  Although not math tests!  :cry:


:eyeroll: Goodness! You sound like me when I hear a dumb computer joke. I pick them apart, because I actually understand computers. It seems to me that jokes (such as this one about animal testing) are much funier for people such as myself, who are totally ignorant about the subject.

I guess the moral of this story is, everything is funnier if you are a moron. And people wonder why I laugh so much... :D


I guess the moral of this story is, everything is funnier if you are a moron.  And people wonder why I laugh so much...  :cry:


:D How true could that be?

NO, I'm not agreeing with you being a moron lokoike, but if someone was a moron they could possibly find more things funny. :)

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