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Okay, well I am pretty sure I have got this from windowblinds :\

When I boot up, a cmd prompt comes up. I checked on what comes on startup, its called hackit.cmd

Any info on how to remove windowblinds+ this cmd? Windowblinds isnt in the uninstall options?

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  • Administrator

You are most likely using a pirated version of WindowsBlinds.

Here is the detailed method:

  1. Delete this item from the registry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "WB5Hack" = "HackIt.cmd"
  2. Reboot the PC
  3. Navigate to C:\Program Files\StardockObject\DesktopWindowBlinds folder, delete sig.bin. If you do not see it go to 4
  4. Boot into Safe Mode and navigate to the same location and try delete it from there
  5. Reboot the PC
Another method:

Download L2MFix from one of these two locations:



Save the file to your desktop and double click l2mfix.exe. Click the Install button to extract the files and follow the prompts, then open the newly added l2mfix folder on your desktop. Double click l2mfix.bat and select option 1 for Run Find Log by typing 1 and then pressing enter. This will scan your computer and it may appear nothing is happening. After a minute or two notepad will open with a log. Copy the contents of that log and paste it into this thread.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT run option 2 OR any other files in the L2MFix folder until you are asked to do so!

Under option one, if you receive an error such as:

''[abbr=C:\Windows or C:\WINNT]%WinDir%[/abbr]\system32\cmd.exe

[abbr=C:\Windows or C:\WINNT]%WinDir%[/abbr]\system32\autoexec.nt the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and Microsoft Windows Applications. Choose close to terminate the application.."

Then please use option 5 or the web page link in the L2MFix folder to solve this error condition. Do not run the fix portion without resolving this issue first.

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Look inside the Stardock/WindowBlinds folder for a uninst.exe or something along the lines of that. If it doesn't appear in the Add/Remove applications button, you can try CCleaner... I assume you had the error where the pirated Window Blinds made it so that your computer couldn't load bitmaps :D Sneaky little trick!

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