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Why is Apple such a bad manufacturer?

Ultimate Predator

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I checked into added this but unfortunately there's no way to add this into the modification.

Cant be too difficult to edit a script.

Its arguably also unfair to the bastards who use Mac OS X.

How is Mac any worse than Windows?

I never said Mac is worse than Windows.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, how are they bastards?

It was a bit of a joke to bash Apple users. :hmm:

IMHO, going from Windows to Mac OS X is pointless. It is like going from one slave owner to another. Mac OS X is proprietary software.

And imho, Apple is not a very "nice" company.


  • Very low score (2.7) of all on Greenpeace e-waste list. (Worst as of December 2006). Has improved to 5.3, but still poor rating.
  • DRM shipped with hardware (notably iPod) without user warning.
  • Are responsible for the FreeType bytecode-interpreter software-patent trouble.
  • Threaten to sue bloggers.
  • One of the companies that pushed DRM the most. DRM in iTunes, iPod and QuickTime.
  • iPod does not follow portable media player standards. Only works with iTunes. Does not work with third-party software.
  • Update kills unlocked iPhones.
  • In 2005 Apple filed a lawsuit against college student Nick Ciarelli who ran the 'Think Secret' website. As a result of the lawsuit, in December 2007 Think Secret was forced to shutdown.
  • In 2007 Apple lawyers send angry letters to Fake Steve Jobs. Intimidating him by saying if he don't comply and stop making information publically available they will sue him, and suggests he will loose his house, mortgage, car, boat and that his kids will loose their college funds.
  • In 2007 Apple crippled their DTrace port so users cant use DTrace on iTunes, etc and other software that use P_LNOATTACH.
  • In 2007 Apple censorship. Apple deleted threads on the forum about defects in the 20" and 24" iMac displays.
  • In 2008 Apple sent a cease-and-desist letter to the Hymn Project who host files to uncripple DRM-crippled content.
  • Mac OS X only runs on Apple's own computers (vendor lock-in).
  • 2008. iPhone SDK forbids Ruby, Python, Perl, and Java. Alternatives web browsers such as Firefox are not allowed. VoIP will only be allowed over Wi-Fi, will be forbidden over cellular network.
  • March 2008. iTunes auto-update tries to push Safari onto users.

I don't like that they use DRM, vendor lock-in, bundle software, threaten journalists and bloggers, etc.

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Holy crap. They are bastards. Speaking of QT, can Ubuntu play .mov files, as well as stream content? And real content as well?

Yeah, I don't like Apple.

Out-of-the-box (right after it install it), it only play free codecs and formats such as OGG and FLAC and some others.

It is very easy to install GStreamer codec that add proprietary file codecs and file formats, like MP3, DVD, etc.

The FFmpeg plugin for GStreamer can decode 90+ formats and demux 30+ formats.

I can play WMV, and QuickTime. RealMedia (RealAudio/RealVideo) I have never tried, because I never found any such content. :hmm:

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MP3 has proven that it wants to stay. It is very difficult to "beat" it, even with proprietary alternatives. :hmm:

People have their MP3's and they like it.

What is needed is regulation that forces the use of open standards. Open file formats, open protocols.

So that a standard wont get accepted as a standard, unless its open.

So that anyone can write an open implementation for any operating system.

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I haven't used Gobuntu but I doubt they would be banned. Perhaps they would not be suggested.

On Ubuntu, pretty much everything is free open source software. I think it ships with just free open source software.

But then you can install proprietary device drivers and proprietary codecs if you wish.

In Synaptic you can list packages by Origin, so it lists from which repository you got them. So you can see if they're from "main" or "restricted" repository.

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  • Administrator

I don't mind you guys having these discussions, but things in here have gone off topic so I'm splitting this thread. Sorry if it gets a bit messed up but it's not always a flawless task.

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I haven't used Gobuntu but I doubt they would be banned. Perhaps they would not be suggested.

On Ubuntu, pretty much everything is free open source software. I think it ships with just free open source software.

But then you can install proprietary device drivers and proprietary codecs if you wish.

In Synaptic you can list packages by Origin, so it lists from which repository you got them. So you can see if they're from "main" or "restricted" repository.

I see, that sounds great, seeing what is restricted, then cutting back on it if you can.

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