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Shall We Use Extra-Ordinary Words ?


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I think that is why you have 0 reputation points - (like me)

We should refer to things as they are usually - ;)

Many posts say they have a 'virus' or 'trojan' when it is an 'infection' - I think that is a much better term -

It is also more realistic as some 'bugs' do not fit either description -

Some 'rogues' are neither but can be put in more as scam type infections - ;)

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As an extra I am not a Buddy ; HeyDude -

I find them suitable for teenagers - But some of us are a bit past that -

I don't mind being a 'Mate' (Aussie term for friend) - ;)

But the others are more fot texting on phones I think -

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We should refer to things as they are usually -

Many posts say they have a 'virus' or 'trojan' when it is an 'infection' - I think that is a much better term -

It is also more realistic as some 'bugs' do not fit either description -

Some 'rogues' are neither but can be put in more as scam type infections -

What should we refer?

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  • 2 months later...

I find "dude" offensive. People that use it are young, and I am not. Being called "dude" by someone younger (and presumably dumber) is disrespectful. I'm not your peer. You are young, have much to learn and first of these things is respect. To call me "dude" reduces me to your level, which offends me.

The abbreviated text is aggravating. This is not texting, and I am not 16. You can do your text language with your peers, and talk about all sorts of stuff I have no interest in. When mature adults use it, I immediately think of them as immature, and somehow wishing that they were 16 again. They're not. Instead they are ridiculous, like a very mature woman walking around with a pierced navel and a denim mini-skirt. Pathetic.

Also, typing in ALL CAPS conveys the idea that one is stupid to the point of retardation. So to, typing in nothing but lowercase is annoying, as if the personality behind the words is weak, feeble and barely capable of creating thought, much less expressing it. I put almost as much effort into reading all lowercase text as the person that created did, which is to so almost no effort at all.

I appreciate the mind that take the time to use proper grammar, syntax, spelling etc... It conveys the idea that they care enough about making effective communication that they are willing to put a little extra effort into making it as clear as possible. I read this kind of text closely. Good, functional minds frequently have something to say that is worth paying attention to, while retarded people generally say things that are best ignored.

Which is not to say there is any justification in going "over the top" over spelling errors, etc... Writers/creators time has value, and some posts are just not worth meticulously grooming them to perfection. Effort was made by a good and functional mind to convey ideas that are worth paying attention to. These minds have other things to do and it reduces (in my opinion) the impact of the picece if it seems to be "over-crafted". If you raise the standards of the text too high, freuently the quality of the messages and meanings conveyed by those words falls short of expectations. Like that word right there. You aren't stupid. You know what I meant. Why should I was my time backing up and spelling the word "frequently" perfectly. Have I not demonstrated my intelligence thus far ? If not, there's nothing I can do that will, so why bother.

This last point is obvious to me, as well as to other thinking people. Less intelligent, less rational people with difficulty maintaining balance and perspective have problems with minor spelling/gramatical errors. It's as if they lack the requisite intelligence to take issue with (or even understand) the meanins that are being conveyed; the best they can achieve is to nit-pick the manner in which those meanings are conveyed in order to achieve some illusion of adequacy.

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