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power management settings


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What settings are best for the average user in the power management settings?

With choices between never and minutes for monitor and hard drive some advice would be welcome. :lmao:

  • Administrator

For me, I do this:

Monitor: 10 minutes

Hard Disks: Never

I'm always using my pc though. :lmao:


Hmmm, this is my preference and you'll find everyone has there own.

Monitor - 15 minutes, poweroff, I don't bother with screensavers.

Harddrive - never, when I leave it for a long time, I use the sleep function.

Cheers :lmao:


I set everything to never.


What type of monitor are you using though?

Flat screen I'd probably set to never as they don't heat up, but I burnt out my 19" CRT last year because it was set to never (was using a screensaver though). Once bitten, twice shy.

Cheers :lmao:


I am using a CRT, I would not mind it burning out because then I would feel I could justify buying a flat screen, which I probably wouldn't though because I have too many CRT's kicking around at the moment.



Screensaver - 5min.

Monitor - 25min.

Turn off hard disks - 45min.

System stand by - 1hr

I go to School and at times I leave my computer on. shifty.gif


that was simple. now heres a question. is there a way to have one hard drive shut down, but not the others? one of my externals is always running, and the other (the new one) has an off/on switch.


Thank you gentlemen for all the advice on the settings. Yes, I do have a flat screen and have worked out what I will set things to now.

P.S. I always find it strange that I post on the forum, have to go to bed early as I work in postal deliveries, come home from work, and I've had no real involvement in the thread!! :lol:


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