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  • 1 month later...

What games do you play?

I just ordered a graphics card for my new pc so that I can finally game on it.(Got tied up with ps3/xbox games the last few months and didn't even want another platform to play on just then.)

I'm thinking of getting TF2 and maybe UT3 if people even still play it.


I do.

I've got Orange Box, Universe at War, Shattered Horizon, Borderlands, Braid, Altitude...etc.

Maybe I'll run into someone from here some time.


I got a 5770, it should be here tomorrow.

I'll have to get TF2 and play a few rounds with you some time.

The rest of you list I already got on xbox.(besides counterstrike, but I hate that game)

  • 1 year later...

I have Steam






Race 07

Retro Expansion ( Race 07 )

Red Orchestra

Darkest Hour

Mare Nostrum

Seriuos Sam 1

TF 2 but won't load

Wings Of Prey

Most of my time is on WOP and GTR Evolution. Really like AVA and Red Orchestra. After reading the forums at TF 2, looks like you really need a premium account if you want to go anywhere

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