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firefox.pngFirefox (referred to as Fx) is an open source browser developed by Mozilla. The second most popular browser worldwide, Firefox features a customizable user interface that allows you to enhance it using custom themes and Personas. Personas change the appearance of the user interface without rearranging the elements. Themes however, can completely change the UI ranging from the types of buttons to the color sceme used. Add-ons allow you to customize Firefox to your liking to make a more enjoyable web surfing experience. Some examples of popular add-ons that you can use to customize Firefox are AdBlock Plus, DownThemAll!, TabMixPlus and many more.

Firefox has tabbed browsing, bookmarks, a built in session manager, private browsing, personas, themes, add-ons and more. Firefox does not use ActiveX which helps make it a more secure browser. Firefox does make use of many plugins to enhance your web experience. From Shockwave, Flash, Quicktime and more; your browsing experience reaches new levels with the Firefox browser.

download.png Downloads: Firefox 4.0 | All builds

changes.png View: Release Notes

link.png Homepage: Mozilla Firefox

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Where is the link coming from (I can see it but the ftp doesn't seem to have it yet Officially)? Everything points to the final version 4 not being ready just yet.


You're right, it's not officially released yet. A number of sites have posted links, but until it appears on mozilla.com it's not official. Only a matter of hours until that happens, so it's extremely unlikely there will be any changes, but still...

It drives the people at Mozilla crazy when this happens, they get large numbers of people trying to download from servers that are not load balanced like the official download servers. The servers get all jammed up, it's a big mess. Wait to get it from the official site.

  • Administrator

Don't get me wrong either though, I'm glad to see people are starting to use the reputation system. Just wish it was used more. :P


If anyone should be interested :) File: ./win32/en-US/Firefox Setup 4.0.exe /// MD5: 417e9bc84cd14b0d7d9c05dd5e869bbe

Also, I edited post #2 since it no longer applies.


The new Firefox 4 browser seems quite popular:-

Firefox 4 has been downloaded more than 5 million times in less than 24 hours since it became available, according to Mozilla's official download stats page.

In comparison, Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9 was downloaded 2.35 million times in its first 24 hours of availability.

Most news sources show variations on the above quote.

The current counter (at 09:45 am GMT) shows well over 23,050,000 downloads and is going up by almost 4,000 a minute.


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