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..... ugh.. i hate when people try bringing the "law" into naming your kids...


if someone wants to name their kid "Metallica" then they should be able to do it, hell you should be able to name your kid whatever you want, and if they don't like it when they hit 18 change the name...

hell... now that i think about it, some of these names would be pretty cool....

Blackened... (ok... maybe not....)

One... (what if i wanted to name my next kid "Two"?)

Dyers Eve?..

Enter Sandman... (ok.... yea.. no....)

Leper Messiah



hell... someone named their kid "Urhines Kendall Icy Eight Special K" and don't see anyone with any problem with that...


yea... ok... /rant off.


Well, think if your parents named you something really dumb, then imagine when you start school, and everyone makes fun of you, and gives you a hell up until you're 18 and finally can change it, not fun. Those years really can be an hell.

Some parents are too dumb to have kids, obviously if someone wants to name their kill "Metallica", then they're morons.

Think if you was named Mike Hunt or Mike Rotch. :cake:


Well, think if your parents named you something really dumb, then imagine when you start school, and everyone makes fun of you, and gives you a hell up until you're 18 and finally can change it, not fun. Those years really can be an hell.

Some parents are too dumb to have kids, obviously if someone wants to name their kill "Metallica", then they're morons.

Think if you was named Mike Hunt or Mike Rotch. :cake:

na it'd be pretty cool to have a random name outside of the "baby names book".. well... least in my opinion... and as long as it's nothing stupid... (which metallica will never be.... well...... except for Saint Anger... *bastards*)

Mike Hunt would suck, with the name Mike being male.

Mike Hawk would be awesome for getting the ladies... *

Mike Rotch would be cool, but then again whenever you fell or something people would be like... "Mike Rotch got hurt.." or some other 3rd grade insult.

  • 1 month later...

I personally think that if a government wants to intervein on the naming of children in some circumstances it is good, but you don't want a government impeading on free speech.

Naming your child "Metallica" isn't humane. I'm a fan of the band too, but I still wouldn't name my kid after them.

Government's should always protect children in the cases of extreme behavior from parents that's why there's child services and we don't let children stay in abusive homes, theoretically.



True, but at the same time, the government shouldn't have any control on what people name their child. Sure there should be some limitations like naming you child "Iwasanaccident Johnson" or "Mydadleftme Roberts" etc... but "Metallica" should be allowed as it's not vulgar in anyway, and nobody would throw a fit over it if there was no band named that.

Hell, Jason Lee named his child "Pilot Inspektor Riesgraf Lee". I'd take the name "Metallica" over "Pilot Inspektor" any day.

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