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My computer Says that Symantec found a Spybot Worm thing named W32.Spybot.Worm - rBot.exe one month ago..

Symantec on my other computer found it too, it came from limewire.exe or something, i haven't used limewire in a million years.. so it must be from some old hard drive I had around.

Here is some pictures of what I am talking about:


Any help is appreciated, I am pretty scared as I have a lot of important passwords and things that I do on my PC.. really seeking urgent help, thank you all. Sorry If I leave out information, I am really stressed out right now and don't really know what to do, if you need any more info just ask me for it and I'll provide.

  • Administrator

Upload the file to VirusTotal, it'll tell you if that file is infected.

I'd also get away from Symantec/Norton products. They are the worst.


Actually Symantec works fine, it's Norton Antivirus that I don't want.

This is very low profile and seems to work great in finding things, either way.

I went looking for the file, and it isn't there, I guess it was deleted. So is it safe to clear everything in that temp folder at that path?

  • Administrator

It may have quarantined the file. And yeah it's safe to delete contents of a temp folder. Nothing should be in there, it's meant to be temporary.

I've seen Norton/Symantec products screw up so many things it's disgusting. Breaking SSL for secure websites, breaking winsock so you can't even download updates or visit websites. I bet i can find that website that details why Symantec and Norton products suck. :D

Bingo: http://symantec-sucks.blogspot.com/

You'd be better off switching to avast. Lightweight and a far better detection rate.


I've never had any of those problems for nearly 3 years.. so I really don't know, but I'm going to delete the temp folder now.

It says some files can't be deleted because they are being used by another program.. weird.


This just reminded me of some week ago, dad called and said he had 3 years license of Norton Antivirus.

I told him that I uninstalled it the first thing I did.

Poor guy, he bought a brand-new laptop from HP and it came with Windows Vista, Norton Antivirus and crap, it was slow as hell. My 7 year old computer with XP was much faster. Called HP and the asshats refused to send a Vista CD so I could do a fresh install.

  • Administrator
Unlocker can tell you what's using the temp files. It's hard to say exactly what uses the temp files, but they get created at boot by whatever needs them and removed as necessary. If there's any .exe files, delete them, anything else is only to leave.

This is not a license subscription or anything, it is a corporate version apparently, I forgot where it said it though. I didn't have to enter any keys.

I already deleted everything that I could, I found traces of limewire in there and deleted those instantly.


No popups now, weird. I cleaned out the temp folder on here and no problems yet.. everything seems back to normal.

I think I might try out Commodo Firewall that you guys have posted up here, it seems to be pretty decent and should help tighten security rather than using the Vista built in firewall.

  • Administrator

If you install the Comodo Firewall Pro, I recommend using the Firewall install only, no Defense+.

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