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;) I would like to wish all Our Members and Guests a very Merry ;)Christmas! I hope Santa :P brings all of you lots of gifts :yes: and lots of :whoa: $$$$. ;)


We'll be having Christmas presents a little late this year, been pretty much snowed in for a week and a half and haven't completed shopping etc. - could get around a little, but driving is very bad and requires tire chains to even get put of the driveway. Major stores are 10+ miles away, just not worth it. Beginning to thaw now, however, finally.

Got our tree up at last, and we'll be having Christmas dinner on schedule - the turkey is already thawed, gotta cook it. So we'll be having an extended Christmas; not bad, actually. Anyway, merry Christmas :P to all you poor saps who only get it for one day! :lol:

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