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Corjello FTL


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So, me being the tinker i am managed to screw up our main computer in the house. When booted up, it says with an error message (before even the logon screen) Error - Can not load services.exe. Missing DLL msvcp60.dll. Reinstalling or blah blah might fix the issue. I cant run DAF because it doesnt even get to the desktop. I tried safe mode and it doesnt work. I guess im going to reformat, but i cant figure out how to do it on the partition. I have a Dell 8400. I cant figure it out at all. I manage to get to a diffrent BIOS screen than the preferences one (i hit F12) but ive tried every option there, and i cant figure it out. Any help?



I have done it and I feel for you, corjello. I ended up having to order restore discs from my pc manufacturer. I learned the hard way what I could mess with and couldn't. I hope you are more carefu;l next time. Good luck. ;)


haha, looks like you learned something the hard way. what exactly were you tinkering with that might have caused this?


Ya, err weve i was messing with Outpost and uninstalled it. then it told me to reboot and ive been stuck ever since. I think its cause i didnt exit Outpost before i uninstalled.



Couple of quick questions.

Do you have a bootdisk?

Can you get to a DOS prompt screen?

If you're able to get to the DOS prompt screen and I'm guessing you have a 3.5"disk drive, it may just involve copying the dll file from a working PC into the relevant directory on the stuffed one.

If you can't get to the DOS prompt I'm all out ideas except for re-installing Windows or going the whole hog and reformatting.

Let us know how things pan out.

Cheers ;)


hmm, well

1. no bootdisk

2. DOS prompt, lol i cant get pass the BIOS (besides having even the OPTION of doing safe mode)

3. Ya, i think i have to reformat.... but how?



hmm, well

1. no bootdisk

2. DOS prompt, lol i cant get pass the BIOS (besides having even the OPTION of doing safe mode)

3. Ya, i think i have to reformat.... but how?



XCan't you pull up a command prompt in safe mode? Redformatting is such trial.


hmm, well

1. no bootdisk

2. DOS prompt, lol i cant get pass the BIOS (besides having even the OPTION of doing safe mode)

3. Ya, i think i have to reformat.... but how?



You can't get or make a boot disk? You can even download the setup disks from Microsoft which will load you up to a certain point, but then it will ask for the installation CD. At that point you can do anything that you want (avoid reinstalling I mean). What OS is this?

Maybe the setup disks will even load the drivers that you need (not sure)?


Delightful usage of FTL! You learn well, corjelloson...

Even if you do manage to boot into safe mode, you will not be able to format you primary HD with a format utility contained on that HD. Obviously, if you tried to do this, the format utility would have to erase itself!

If you are sure you want to format and lose everything, all you need to do is put in your Windows XP disk and restart the computer. Make sure your BIOS is set to boot from your CD drive first! The XP install disk contains a format utility, and it will ask you if you want to use it after it copies a bunch of files to your HD.


Delightful usage of FTL!  You learn well, corjelloson...

Even if you do manage to boot into safe mode, you will not be able to format you primary HD with a format utility contained on that HD.  Obviously, if you tried to do this, the format utility would have to erase itself!

If you are sure you want to format and lose everything, all you need to do is put in your Windows XP disk and restart the computer.  Make sure your BIOS is set to boot from your CD drive first!  The XP install disk contains a format utility, and it will ask you if you want to use it after it copies a bunch of files to your HD.


Will he be able to boot from a CD? I was assuming not, but corjello if you can do that. But you can do a recovery console. You don't NEED to format, unless you want to for fun! :P

A recovery console can replace his missing files, right?


Will he be able to boot from a CD?  I was assuming not, but corjello if you can do that.  But you can do a recovery console.  You don't NEED to format, unless you want to for fun!  :P

A recovery console can replace his missing files, right?


It shouldn't be a problem. As long as he has his BIOS set to boot from a CD drive first instead of his hard drive, everything should work fine.

He stated that he wanted to format, so I was telling him how to do that. But like you said K, I doubt he would need to. I personally like to format first, so that other problems don't arise later on, but then you have the problem of losing your files and settings, which can turn into a lot of work trying to replace/restore them manually!

  • Administrator

He would be able to format, as they use recovery partitions. He simply would recover his C: partition using data from the D: partition.

If he is able to boot into safe mode, he simply has to replace the *.dll file that was deleted. It wasn't deleted by Outpost either, as I've installed and uninstalled Outpost Free and Pro many times on my Virtual PC with no issues. :P


ok, well your all right in your responses about the cd, ive done it many times on a 2000 computer. I DONT HAVE ONE!!!! DELL FTL!!!!! They didnt ship a Media Center OS Cd with my computer. So i am assuming that i have a hidden partition or something on my computer... but i cant find it. Ive got into some sort of menu by hitting f12 (This is NOT the BIOS set up, i know what that looks like). But once im in the menu, i cant do anything productive. Im at school, so when i get home ill post exactly what it says.... yea i want to reformat, we had some issues with media center so i figure its all for the best



ok, i think ive solved the issue. I talked to Dell support, and they are shiping out a Media Center Cd to me.

Itll be fun reinstalling everthing.... :eyeroll:



He would be able to format, as they use recovery partitions.  He simply would recover his C: partition using data from the D: partition.


Dell uses them now? I knew that HP did. Good to know for future reference.

Not for my sake, of course! I would never dream of thinking about considering contemplating the thought of purchasing anything remotely resembling a Dell! But sometimes I am forced to work on them.

the agony!


yea they do. i have a pretty icky story about their recover partitions.... The story from the dell tech forum is to hit CTRL - F11. Ya, i tried... it didnt work. So i did some research on it, and would you like to guess who makes the software for the recovery partitions? Its our favorite, Symantec!!!! WHOOO HOOOO! So i think that when i ran those three files to remove ALL Symantec files from my computer, it kinda corrupted that partition also.. i dont know how its possible, but thats the only explination i can think of.



If I was you, I wouldn't even bother with the broken recovery partition. You should borrow a copy of WinXP Home/Pro, depending on what version came with the Dell, and install it using the serial on the side of your computer's case. There is nothing illegal about that, since you are using a valid and paid-for serial, and there really isn't anything else you can do since your recovery partition is busted!


well, i got the recovery partition to work! yea, so i now i have a copy of MCE laying around just in case. It arived in the mail today. Ive got most of my stuff installed and my computer is clean as a whistle.. Start up is so fast! Im posting a Hijackthis over in the other forum for performance stuff.



ok, for you folks that know stuff about accounts on XP. How do i see the settings for these? What i mean is like, we have our main account for everything. Then because we have two iPods in the house, i made another account just for the purpose of having seperate itunes libraries. How do i know if these accounts both have admin rights? When i run ccleaner, TuneUp, stuff like that, on my main account, will it affect my second one also? Or, do i need to go over and run that stuff on that one also?



ok, for you folks that know stuff about accounts on XP. How do i see the settings for these? What i mean is like, we have our main account for everything. Then because we have two iPods in the house, i made another account just for the purpose of having seperate itunes libraries. How do i know if these accounts both have admin rights? When i run ccleaner, TuneUp, stuff like that, on my main account, will it affect my second one also? Or, do i need to go over and run that stuff on that one also?



To get to the accounts' settings, click Start > Control Panel > User Accounts. To see which accounts are "Computer administrator" and which are "Limited", just look at the accounts listed at the bottom of the window. It will say underneath them. I believe that when you make an account, the default is "Computer administrator". If not, to change an account's privileges, you must be on an admin account.

To make sure that your software works for everyone on the computer, you should install every for "All Users", as opposed to just installing for the current user. Almost all new software (except for CCleaner :P ) gives you this option, so when you are installing your stuff, make sure to do that if the rest of your family will be using it too.


cool, thanks for the tips. I just want to make sure when i run registry cleaners and stuff it will help the other accounts too right?



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