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Introduce Yourself

Tell us about yourself and get a warm welcome from our community!

  1. Started by coltm4carbine,

    hi my name is coltm4carbine and i am new in here.

    • 5 replies
  2. Started by annelore,

    hi, i'm annelore, i'm from belgium and i know NOTHING about computers, and i think all those trojan horse and virus know it. So this forum might be my only help.

    • 3 replies
  3. Started by 1984,

    Hello all. Just found this website. I have had a computer for a few years, but just got high speed internet and am learning the ins and outs of computers and the internet. SO much to learn! Hard to find time with work, the kids, etc. Hope everything is well with everyone and I plan to be a longtime member of the site. :D

    • 4 replies
  4. Started by Bavaria,

    Hi everyone! Finally I get registered I know a few things about cars but not to many about computers.So I guess, I will find here some answerers !

  5. Started by interloper,

    Hello to everyone. I have been building and fixing systems for a few years now and am glad to be on board. Looking forward to learning and contributing. Cheers.

    • 3 replies
  6. Started by Darren J. Hunter,

    Yes, anyways. I'm a friend of Taruns. I run a "clan/community" called the MFFR at themffr.com and yeah, some of you may also know me from SPiN as "prince_Gohan" yeah, thats me. Have a nice day.

  7. Started by DjLizard,


  8. Started by hazelnut,

    Yes, I thought I'd come back to this friendly little site now it's back up and running. I know most of you, I think, and for those who don't know me I'm a postlady,I like reading (no preferences, if it has words I'll read it) good conversation, and collecting useless info. I mean how many other people do you know who know the collective noun for the 3 wise monkeys? Anyone have any idea what percentage of pc users are Aquarians like myself? :D

    • 2 replies
  9. Started by greenknight,

    Hello, there. You may recall my pathetic contributions to the CCleaner Forum. Or, if you ever visit the Mozillazine Forums, where I specialize in handling the Firefox questions that have been asked and answered a thousand times before, you've probably encountered my posts. If you've seen greenknight32 on MajorGeeks Forum, well that's me, too! (Apparently they already had a greenknight, who'da thought...) As you can probably tell, I have no life. Why greenknight, you may ask? (You don't care? Well, I'm gonna tell ya anyway!) It was originally a chess room handle, before I dropped that as a security risk. "Knight" is also because I come from Castle Rock, WA. And "gre…

  10. Started by gunner,

    Yes, it is I. On my way to Turkey, and thought I would say hello before I go.

    • 8 replies
  11. Started by Capman,

    Hi all, the likes of Tarun and DjLizard already know me from other forums. New members, make sure you drop a quick post in this part of the forums, just to let others know of your existance, and like Tarun stated in the forum description, you will get a warm welcome. :D