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new! vistapack XP & 2000


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well that would be cool, who needs vista then?

if we can get it on 2000.

let me know if you find something man.

bye bye damian666

There is more to Vista than just the looks of it. There is DRM too!


For older computers, 2000 is still the way. Damian's vista pack and TClock3 would have a nice look.

Now if someone could only fix 2000 to see the alpha channel. (note: Win98 has been fixed.)


Just got a post from WildBill here:


He has added antialiasing to system text in W2k.

This could be the start of a solution to solve icon alpha blending.

well i just pm ed him, for testing and checking if this will work for the pack!

i also want that tclock3 from him.

skinning the taskbar, hell yeah!!!



Hey, Squeeto pointed me here. I'm definitely trying to make Win2k more pleasing to use. The newest version of TClock3 can be found here. It skins the entire taskbar with WindowBlinds skins, and it supports different transparency settings for just about everything. It also can spruce up your desktop icon text so they look a lot more like XP and has *experimental* start menu skinning. It's still alpha, but it's usable if you would like to give it a try, and help is always welcome (*cough*).

I also have an alpha program called SmoothText that you're welcome to try if you wish. When it's run it puts itself in the system tray and attempts to render all text using sub-pixel aliasing. It also isn't perfect (yet), but it's not bad. You can find that here.

Both programs are open-source if you want to see how they work. TClock3 is admittedly pretty messy, but SmoothText is very simple and shows how we can override the behavior of Windows DLL routines with relative ease. There are lots of possibilities, I think.

  • Administrator

Topic pinned as damian has made a very popular package. :happybday:

  • 2 weeks later...

if you don't feel like going the googlepages route (unknown bandwidth, 100megs storage.. dunno the rest of the specs)

theres always http://www.megaupload.com/

max file size of 500 megs, 30 second wait insted of rapidshares 1 minute, and are a lot more lenient about how much can be downloaded... meaning, i could download another file off megaupload once the first one is done... rapidshare theres like an hour wait.... 100meg(max for rapidshare.. takes 1 & 1/2 hour to recharge.. so probably around 30 minutes)

megauploads captcha image is easier to read as well, rapidshare i have 20/20 vision and can't read it 90% of the time lol.

  • 4 months later...
  • 8 months later...

:wave: yeah, i am sorry about that Tarun...

but it has skyrockeded since the last time, and i have been swallowed by the work is gives me :D

i am going to update the first post with the new version and stuff man...


  • Administrator

Sounds great man. Nice to hear your project has taken off! :wave:


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