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Safe Returner " The Real Deal "

Safe Returner is a very unique perspective to malware detection. Safe Returner will detect, and obliterate Trojan Horses, Worms, Adware, Spyware. This is a fail safe to be used when your anti-virus software fails to effectively stop, detect and eliminate them. Safe Returner's uses a state of the art lightning fast scanning engine. A full scan taking less than 3 minutes with subsequent scans taking even less time. Safe Returner with an advanced heuristic malware detection engine classifies each threat in one of three categories High Risk, Moderate Risk, or Low Risk.

Safe Returner looks over the most prevalent areas that infections tend to attack the operating system which includes the following, system files, registry keys and program files that load at boot time. Safe Returner technology will disable/remove Malware without the user having to manually edit system files or the Registry. The program also removes any additional system modifications some Malware carries out which are ignored by standard antivirus and trojan scanners. Once the scan is completed a detailed logfile displaying what has been detected and how Safe Returner has neutralized the threat. The option is available for viewing and printing if needed using Notepad.

Safe Returner is a strong compliment to your present Anti virus, using little resources and a superb second opinion scanner . Rouge Applications beware there's a new Sheriff in town called " Safe Returner "

Please visit the Developer's Website for more about this program, http://www.safereturner.com/


Safe Returner's uses a state of the art lightning fast scanning engine.

Any benchmarks or side-by-side comparisons with existing better known tools?


Better yet gUiTaR_mIkE look in your PM Mailbox for ability to benchmark first hand results on your own.


I appreciate the offer but I'm not qualified nor setup to do an honest evaluation of the effectiveness of any 'av' or

'malware' tool - I would think you need a system with the requisite offenders to test for their presence and removal,

thankfully my system is clean. :)

If the company hasn't already done so they should send the tool for testing to a site dedicated to testing. I'm sure

there are many but here are 2 -> AV-Comparatives and Virus.gr.


Okay Mate, no problem understood. just some generosity from the developer.

  • Administrator

I'm curious as to how this compares to MBAM and SAS. But looking at it... It seems too flashy (skins, etc).


It does look interesting; if it's as fast and lightweight as claimed and is effective, that would be something. I, too, would like to see it thoroughly tested by experts - an editor's review on Softpedia doesn't cut it.

  • Administrator

How annoying to get the crap from the marketing department directly relayed to you.

Copy & paste press releases sucks.

Any proof that it's a copy paste post? No? Then I suggest you cool it and be more respectful towards other members. I suggest you refresh your memory on being respectful to others by reading the Community Rules.


look edlmannen when you do a review of a program you do use a lot of the material provided at the developers site. if i test it and agree in principle with some of the claims i will use it in the article tweak it, change it, or use it word for word if that captures the essence of what i myself encountered using it on my computer. There are just so many ways to construct an article on antimalware every cliche, phrase, adjective etc. has been used time and time again.

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