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:) OMGoooodness, I'm on dial up and OMGoooodness, I'm only getting 24.0Kbps, but I think I'm here!!! I'm prolly gonna change to satellite really REALLY soon!!!! But they want $600 up front!!! :D

ANYWAY HELLO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MISSED YA BUNCHES! :D:hello::sick:

Just remember that it will prolly kick me off and make answering really slow but I'm in cyber space somewhere ;)

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Hi TexasFilly!

I haven't met you yet, but you're such a celebrity around here that I wan't to say hello. :hello:

$600 ??? Holy Bageebis! That's a lot of money.



Well Thanks everyone and I'm doing a LOT better now that I can see ya'll again!!! Been too dang long. I've got the house about together and loving the GREAT OUTDOORS without the neighbors all getting into my business. *chuckle*

I'm not liking dial-up but ya'll know what I mean!!! Took 30 minutes to download one email awhile ago. LOL

My job is doing alright, working hard, but got the hours I wanted, from 12:30pm to 9:30pm. That way I have some daylight to see my doggies :D

How is everyone else doing?

Tarun, the site is looking GREAT as usual and proud that it's almost there for a part of your goal anyway. :hello:

Cappy, Great to see you too hun :sick:


Hi TexasFilly!

I haven't met you yet, but you're such a celebrity around here that I wan't to say hello.  :D

$600 ???  Holy Bageebis!  That's a lot of money.



A celebrity? :D Awwww that's cool and sweet of the members here. It's nice to meet you too. Thanks for the "hello"

The good thing about satellite tho is that after I've paid the $600 then it's my property and I can take it all with me when I finally get my house built. That will have been paid for *YEA*! :hello: After that too, it's only $59.99 a month. Not too bad considering that it cost almost that just for cable around these parts :sick:


Cappy, Great to see you too hun :hello:


Thank you. :sick:

I can't believe you are finally back with us, it seemed to pass quite quick though, glad you're doing ok, look forward to hearing loads about what you have been up to.

BTW are there ANY tweaks for dial up out there? It's SBC yahoo! That's all they had out here in the boonies LOL

Not a tweak as such and also means spending more money, but could be worth considering.



Welp, I told ya'll I'd be stuck in cyber space somewhere. I was toolin along and windows UPDATE popped in.....course being use to opening up and using 15 browsers at one time, this one made me have to do HOUSE WORK!!! UGH!!! Dial up wouldn't let me go anywhere else.

LOL MP, you're getting good at posting and making funny faces...(hang man) I know, this is as good as it gets for a bit tho. I am seriously thinking about satellite by March the 10th. BUT...........NO internet connection is worse. *shaking head*

Trish good to see you're still around too :sick:

Cappy, I'll try that site, but keep your fingers crossed that I'll get satellite SOON. And just what do ya think I've been doing without the internet? *sniff sniff* working my butt off and trying still to unload boxes. Not a good idea to move and start a new job within weeks of each other LOL

Senuty!!! Hey, So good to see you around and thanks for the welcome :D

Sickchik, good to see you too, and thanks. I think I saw your name briefly about a month ago :hello: Glad you're sticking around

Welp, back to more updates :D


LOL MP, you're getting good at posting and making funny faces...(hang man)
He has improved a lot, :hello:

Have you seen his Online Services List? It's cool.

Trish good to see you're still around too

She only comes here to argue with MP. :D

I protect her from MP sometimes, not that she needs protecting.

No, on second thoughts we protect each other against MP.

Cappy, I'll try that site, but keep your fingers crossed that I'll get satellite SOON.  And just what do ya think I've been doing without the internet?  *sniff sniff*  working my butt off and trying still to unload boxes.  Not a good idea to move and start a new job within weeks of each other LOL
Hopefully the satellite will happen soon.

I told Sniper in an email that if I win the lottery I will come over and help you unpack all the boxes. :)

Senuty!!! Hey, So good to see you around and thanks for the welcome

He disappeared for quite a while as well, must of been missing you I reckon.

Sickchik, good to see you too, and thanks.  I think I saw your name briefly about a month ago :sick:   Glad you're sticking around

She is always here giving us grief.

Only joking sc. :D


ABOUT MP, no, I've not seen his Online services!!! WOW things do move whether I'm around or not :sick: LMAO

Yes, I knew that Senuty disappears from time to time. Before I left we were all worried about him. Senuty, don't stay away so long ok buddy? :hello: Empathy pains Cappy ;):)

Good for Sickchik as someone needs to give ya'll grief whether I'm around or not. *heeheehee*

Awwwwwwwwww Cappy, that was such a nice gesture, if ya win the lottery. Even if it won't be TEXAS that you visit when ya finally make it to the States. But maybe I can fly to where you are and visit a bit. :D

About Trish and MP, I knew they were Great Monkeys to begin with ;):D And that's why the cape huh Cappy *sly look* I miss your tongue ;)


Awwwwwwwwww Cappy, that was such a nice gesture, if ya win the lottery.  Even if it won't be TEXAS that you visit when ya finally make it to the States.  But maybe I can fly to where you are and visit a bit.  :hello:
How cool would that be.

I miss your tongue :sick:

I must bring it back then, or something similar, all ladies like my tongue. :D


Hey! Welcome back. We need to have a returning party or something.

Hope you can stay for a while!



Hope she can stay forever!!!!!!!


Corjello!!! Thanks :D Makes me feel so good with all the GREAT welcomes :hello: We'll have to wait on the party tho, not sure how well "dial up" will do in the chat room just yet LOL

Cappy, I plan to be BACK forEVER!!! :sick:

MP, nice to know things haven't changed......(wanting Cappy's tongue back)

TARUN, I C U, but you're soooooooooooo quiet!!! Where is RR???


TexasFilly, CapMan does protect me from MP on those rare occasions when I need it (but I'm not scared of no MP). :hello:

CapMan...that is quite a tongue you have there. I see why MP likes it so much.

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