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Been extremely busy lately


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I've been doing a bit of coding in Delphi recently (while waiting for college to start Monday).

My project has been a new HijackThis Converter, along with a new surprise/treat. An Anti-Malware Package Downloader.


[ Gone. ]

Any questions or comments on the [abbr=Graphical User Interface]GUI[/abbr]?

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Very cool Tarun! The GUI is gorgeous! :D

A semi-off topic question: what program do you use for writing / compiling Delphi? And, is it free? I used to do a little C and BASIC, and I thought Delphi might be a cool language to play around with when I need to kill some time. I know you and DJ have both spoken very highly of it. :D

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......Any questions or comments on the [abbr=Graphical User Interface]GUI[/abbr]?


Very sleek looking, however, I do have a question though. (you just knew there had to be one :) )

It states this on your GUI, "This package is meant for Win9x/ME." Does this mean it's not meant for XP or have you thrown XP into the Win9x bundle?

It might not be confusing to the members of this board, but someone surfing in following a link, upon seeing that statement, might not have the savvy to think that it is also usable with XP, as I'm guessing it is.

Just a minor point, apart from that, as stated very sleek, and might I say, professional looking. :D

Cheers :D

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It means the package that is selected (the Lite package), contains the software that will work on 9x/ME, although obviously that package will be suitable for XP users as well, the other three packages will more than likely contain software that will only run on XP.

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It means the package that is selected (the Lite package), contains the software that will work on 9x/ME, although obviously that package will be suitable for XP users as well, the other three packages will more than likely contain software that will only run on XP.


Not to contradict you, CaPMan, but I do understand Senuty's point. It really doesn't seem obvious that the software which works on older OS's would work on new ones as well. After all, some programs (generally older ones) use MS-DOS code which is omitted from WinXP, which is why lots of old programs which worked on your Win98 PC no longer work on your new WinXP rig. Assuming this app works for Win2000/XP/Vista, it probably wouldn't hurt to enumerate all of the OS's it works on, since XP and Vista dropped support for a number of programs.

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Not to contradict you, lokoike, but I do understand CaPMan's point. The other packages may contain programs such as Windows Defender (Tarun, it is listed as Microsoft Anti-Spyware in the download section :D ) and Ewido, which are both not supported on Win9x/WinMe platform...

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Okay, now I'm really confuzzeled :D

Does it work with XP or not?

And I don't just mean the Lite package, all of them.

The reason I'm bringing this up is that not everyone is computer savvy (as most members of this forum seem to be) and to the novice, reading that it works with Win9x/ME will move away from this highly useful package as they'll be thinking "Well, I have XP, so it's not going to work with my system I might as well not bother coming here for help as it's not related to XP".

Suggestion: If they are compatible with XP, might just put in a disclaimer saying that they are backwards compatible with older versions.... or something along those lines.

Cheers, the confused Senuty, :D

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i have one question.

what if somebody doesnt want to install one particular program?

will they be able to de-select it?

also, what programs come with the full download?


Hmmm, I believe this actually would be a good idea as I know from experience from downloading other types of packages I don't always won't the whole lot and will hunt down individual programs (normally depends on file size) so that I don't download 150Mb worth of package when I only want and will only use about 25Mb worth (yes, I realise these packages are small, it's just an example).

An option might be to have the packages as they stand, but if it's codeable, put a link on the package dialogue which directs folk back to the downloads area where they can pick and choose the programs they want.

Alternatively, have all programs in the downloads area as single downloads and have to option to download as a package.

Just my thoughts.

Cheers :D

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yes, it works with XP.

the different packages are, im guessing, different programs/more programs that it installs.


Yeah, I know it works with XP, seeing I've used it. :D

I'm just trying to make a point that some people (think absolute computer novice) will not download the packages as the specifically don't say that they work with XP. And by omitting this it will steer a huge amount of folk away as it's not jumping out at them telling them it CAN be used with XP, which would be a crying shame as the packages are IMO absolutely a must have to keep your system optimal.

As to the different packages, you're correct, they are different in size (more programs as you go up; eg: Lite -> Medium? -> Professional).

Cheers :D

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Ok, I'll add what OS's the software will work with or something.

Fact of the matter is, some things like ewido, Windows Defender, etc are XP SP2 and up. The Lite version has what works on Windows 9x/ME and omits the XP only stuff.

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