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9x users


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so how many 9x (95\98\98SE\ME) users are there here?

am i the only person who uses 9x as my primary OS?

i was just curious because this section isnt very active

  • Administrator

I still have the box and everything for the original Windows 98, and I also purchased a copy of Windows 98SE last year. I never really use them but I would use them on a Virtual PC for testing purposes if I ever need them.

I've been using Windows XP (SP2) since I got it with my new computer over two years ago. Absolutely love it.

  • Administrator

There are a lot of users and companies that use Windows 98. It's a shame the OS is so outdated and full of vulnerabilities. There is an Unofficial Service Pack made by a user named Gape that works quite nicely though.

People should really upgrade by getting the OEM Windows XP as it will be cheaper than buying it at Best Buy or another retail store. The NT kernel offers far more stability and security than the 9x kernels.


Yes, the NT kernel is pretty good.

The 9x kernel outright sucked.

3.11, 95, 98 sucked.

Windows 2000 was when Windows became decent.

In Windows ME (DRM) and Windows XP (Activation, WGA, etc) is when Windows went back non-decent again.

I am currently using Windows XP with SP2 + all updates, but what gave the best impression to me was Windows 2000 when it came, so much better than any Windows version before.


I still have my old 95 and my old 98SE tucked away in a darkened corner of my house somewhere, just run 2 XP's at home at the moment, the third is in need of a repair (which I struggle to find time to do).

Still have a 98SE that I use at work occasionally, also have a ME, 2000 & XP there, I just found a nice little corner where I could set up another computer in work, so I might see what I can dig out and set up there (not sure what OS that will have yet).


I still have an old 98, and I use it occasionally when the other computers in my home are in use.

I have an own computer that only I use.

If anyone even gives a vague hint that maybe they could use the computer, I totally lash out! grrr.png

  • 1 month later...

I still use 98SE for some of the old games. Still have 3.11 on an old pentium 200 for one program.

Had to search for a CD driver but, it works great. Still have an old commodore VIC20, circa 1981, a Commodore 128-D, circa1987, which still runs great. Have around 12 or 13 oldies, 286's, 386's, etc. +parts to build a few more. Getting hard to find some of the old ones though. My wife calls me a pack rat. dizzy.png


I still use 98SE for some of the old games. Still have 3.11 on an old pentium 200 for one program.

Had to search for a CD driver but, it works great. Still have an old commodore VIC20, circa 1981, a Commodore 128-D, circa1987, which still runs great. Have around 12 or 13 oldies, 286's, 386's, etc. +parts to build a few more. Getting hard to find some of the old ones though. My wife calls me a pack rat. dizzy.png

Why do you have so many old computers?

I suppose you don't really use them.

I've throwed out all the 386 and 486'es...

Btw, thread is a bit old...


..........Btw, thread is a bit old...

:cake: Hello pot, this is kettle!!!!!!

Where do you get off complaining about others raising a dead horse when you have done this on over 6 occasions yourself?... busted.png

Might just want to lay off on the smarmy comments..... Ever heard the old adage: "Those in glass houses....."?

Cheers :cry:


As a matter of fact I still use most of them, once in awhile. I'm mostly retired and enjoy messing around with old things, didn't intend to upset anyone.


..........Btw, thread is a bit old...

:cake: Hello pot, this is kettle!!!!!!

Where do you get off complaining about others raising a dead horse when you have done this on over 6 occasions yourself?... busted.png

Might just want to lay off on the smarmy comments..... Ever heard the old adage: "Those in glass houses....."?

Cheers :cry:

I was not bashing or complaining at him, I was simply making him aware of it, if he didn't know, as things like that is easy to miss.

Yes, I am very well aware I have done it myself, I don't keep count, but probably way over 6 times. :cry:

But all was unintended.


I was well aware of the dates on the thread but the question was asked and I replied. I have a lot of time on my hands and like getting the old computers working again and see nothing unusual about having a hobby. I'm sure there are some more eccentric than I, but at my age it's to be expected.


Lunarsoft Rule No. 10

Respect a topic that a member has made active again.

Please do not bash old topics when a member has made it active again. Usually it's been made active for a good reason such as to answer an unanswered question, or to bring new information. It does not need to be closed or deleted.

Therefore no harm has been done by Harry's decision to make this topic active again.


i still have some 386 and some 486 but there all sad

the 386 doesnt boot at all

one 486 has issues with cards and is all isuey

one 486 doesnt like me

and the other 486 has a dead battery

but i have to amstrads yay

amstrad CPC 464 with a 4 colour screen (4 shades of green)

no floppy drive only a built in tape drive


Okay, I'll bite, why?

one 486 doesnt like me

Not giving it enough attention?????...... Not enough strokes on the keyboard??.... Staying up late working on another machine?..... What????

Cheers :cake:


the one that doesnt like me beeps at me, dont know why i put in all it needed i think

RAM, PSU thats it isnt it CPU is onboard

the 486 with the card problems dislikes me to, but that could be a mobo or a cpu problem


i still have some 386 and some 486 but there all sad

the 386 doesnt boot at all

one 486 has issues with cards and is all isuey

one 486 doesnt like me

and the other 486 has a dead battery

but i have to amstrads yay

amstrad CPC 464 with a 4 colour screen (4 shades of green)

no floppy drive only a built in tape drive

Why still have 386 and 486?

They're best-before date has expired long time ago, they just taking up place.

Better recycle them.


some of us like our old toys.

I got...

My first comp, 50mhz, and i think 100meg hard drive. (486) (windows3.1)

My dads comp, 75mhz, and think he had a 500meg hard drive. (486) (windows3.1)

still got an 8088 (4.7mhz), with around like 128k ram lol. (8088 of course) (not sure what os)

and also got a little power2 box (think it was called that anyways) that ran a 25mhz cpu and 256k ram. (286) (some menu program.. not sure the name)

god **** i'm getting old.... some of these new people don't even know what megahertz are..


recycle! how could you

im happy to count 17 comuters in the house i think

the 8088 has more ram than the amstrad

the amstrad has only 64kb of ram


Ahhhhh, a stumble down memory lane.......

Here's a link to what my first PC was : -> Sony Hitbit. However, the model they show actually had a massive 64k of RAM and it was the first PC in Australia that sported an external 3.5" disk drive.

I had a few other PC boffins come and stare in wonder at the smallness of the 'floppy disks' that I was using compared to theirs. (For all you girls out there, see..... size does matter when talking about PCs :nyah: )

And if memory serves correct it also cost an arm, a leg and my firstborn......, but it was outstripped in the end by the Commodore 64 which sold like the proverbial hotcakes over here...... :le sigh: hence, software was very hard to come by and the number of games was counted in the 10's as opposed to the 100's of Commodore ones.

My first ever PC game I played was on this machine and it was the 'Hobbit', the official first RPG(?)/Dungeon(?) game, even though it was text based with ASCII 'pictures'. The reason it was a first is that it was the first game where you had to make choices about where you were going (direction wise) and how you interacted with the 'environment'. The only drawback with this game was that it was on cassette and took OVER 20 MINUTES to load, and if memory serves correct I actually never finished the game.....

Heheheheh, if I get a game that takes over 2 minutes to load now-a-days I don't play it, must have had more patience in my youth....

Ahhhh..... the mammari...... errr memories

Cheers :hello:



im happy to count 17 comuters in the house i think


What???? You have comuters???? Is your 'house' a bus??????

:nyah: Just pulling the mickey out of ya.....

Cheers :hello:


17 computers?

Why do you have so many computers?

I would throw away old computers, because I don't use them, so I don't need them, and they take up space in the house.



anyway i sort of collect them,

ive played the hobbit as well, i have it on amstrad maybe i should go play it.

so the story of more computer collection is

in 1991 we got a 386SX with 2mb ram and an 80mb hdd(this was when i was 1)

in 1994 we got a 486 DX2 66Mhz with 16mb ram and a 400mb hdd it had windows 3.1 most of the time i think

then there was a gap before we got another computer because we didnt need one till we got the internet

in 1999 i was given an Amstrad CPC 464 with 64kb ram, inbuit tape drive complete with user manual several games and 3 joysticks

in 2000 we got a Pentium MMX 166Mhz with 32mb ram a 1.2gb hdd and an isa sound card win95b

then we got given a 486DX4 75Mhz with 16mb of ram, 1.2 hdd and isa sound card, win98fe

in 2001 we got an AMDK6-2, 80MB RAM, 3gb hdd and Creative Sound blaster 128 PCI sound card win98se (im using this)

in 2002 i got another Amstrad (see above)

in 2003ish i got another 486

in 2004 i got a compaq deskpro with onboard network card Pentium 133Mhz with nt4 sp5 and Creative Vibra 128 PCI,

and an Aopen Cyrix-300 ATX 233mhz, 32mb RAM, 4gb hdd

in 2005 we got a Compaq Deskpro PIII 800Mhz 128MB RAM 20GB HDD, i got a Pentium MMX 233Mhz 4GB HDD 192MB HDD, 486 66Mhz, HP Celeron 400Mhz, Acer V80M PIII 733Mhz

in 2006 i got a Celeron 700Mhz board which i put a PIII 866Mhz CPU in

in 2007 i got a PIII 667Mhz to replace my Acer V80M PIII 733Mhz and my sister got a Pentium 4 2.4Ghz 512MB RAM 80GB HDD

there is also a laptop in there somewhere as well Pentium 166Mhz 32MB RAM 2GB HDD.

i think thats it and it may be more than 17


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