Archived questions, suggestions and other forms of discussion on JavaRa.
42 topics in this forum
Which old version of Java does JavaRa now remove up to? JRE 6 update 10 or previous to that?
Hello, When i try JavaRa 1.12 in slitent mode. then it deletes everything but when it is almost fineshd i get a windows error. In the Logbook from windows the following error occours: Hanging application javara.exe, version, hang module: ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.5512, hang address 0x0000100b The Pc's that i have being testing are Windows XP (Some Sp2 and Some Sp3) but they are al part of a domain. I Hope to hear from you Greatings Simon
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Currently, development on JavaRa is suspended until the Christmas holidays. Lots of new changes will be incorporated at that time. Thanks for your patience, and thanks again for using JavaRa 1.11. We'll see you all again in December.
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Hello ! I can make the french translation if it is needed. Send me the file and I maybe can make it before wednesday. pihug12 :)
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Hello, First of al, I Like JavaRa a lot. When i Update systems it runs in my script. it does his work very good. But i have a probleem with the newest version 1.11: I get an Error that Internet explorer runs. When I look it don't run. I run javara in de silent mode. I hope that it will be fixed. Greetings Simon
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Ran JavaRa 1.11 yesterday with the new release and was surprised at all the registry leftovers it found. Now, I've had no issues at all but I was thinking as I looked at all those registry entries, "I wish JavaRa would make backups of the registry keys it removes." Hope that'd be easy to implement. Tack it on with a date/time code too, such as (based on today's date and time 2008-08-03 21:14:38 for me as of this post) JavaRa_20080803_211438.reg
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Hello Javara is a very interesting tool - thanks a lot for it! I would like to deploy JavaRa over my whole network to uninstall the older java versions. I'm using Microsoft SMS for this and "JavaRa.exe -r". If i call them manually over cmd (login as administrator) it will works, but over the SMS i've got problems... Is there anyone who has done the same thing? best regards from switzerland, simon
Good morning to all. This morning I solved a problem causing by JavaRa 1.10. In JavaRa 1.10, after clicking on "Remove Older Versions", when I want to reinstall Java Sun - jre-6u7-windows-i586-p.exe, I receive a message "Internal Error 2753. RegUtils". The solution is to download Windows Installer Clean Up 2 (msicuu2.exe). Hope this bug was solved on the next JavaRa's version. Have a good day! Qwerty999
JRE 6 update 7 was installed prior to running javara. Down loaded and ran javara 1.09. While javara was running, WINDOWS indicated javara had an error in ntdll.dll. Appname:javara.exe, appver 1.09.739, modname: ntdll.dll, modver: 5.1.2600.2180, offset: 00001010. Checked control panel ADD/REMOVE list and JRE 1.4.2 showed still there but it no longer had the capability to be removed manually - do not know if it had the capability before running javara. Checked the C:\program files\java folder and jre1.6.0_05 had a folder but only a BIN subfolder. I tried javara twice more and the log indicated it found _05 but could not delete it. I rebooted the PC and ran javara again and…
Hello! I had two version of JRE on my system, jre1.6.0_03 and jre1.6.0_05. Removing the older version with JavaRa resulted in the following de-installation: JavaRa 1.09 Removal Log. Report follows after line. ------------------------------------ The JavaRa removal process was started on Mon Jul 14 09:11:05 2008 Found and removed: C:\Programme\Java\jre1.6.0_03 Found and removed: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in\1.6.0_03 Found and removed: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in\1.6.0_05 Found and removed: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.6.0_03 Found and removed: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.6.0_05 Found and removed: SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Web…
Hello ! C:\Users\Pierre\Start Menu\ & C:\Users\Pierre\Local Settings\ don't exist on Vista. => C:\Users\Pierre\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\ C:\System32\ doen't exist, it's C:\Windows\System32\. Thanks for this software ! pihug12 :)
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So the case is where JBoss application server is running on a box and there is an older version 5 JRE installed to a seperate directory with environment vars for a Java web app that is not compatible with version 6 JRE. This version 5 JRE is only run in the context of Java servlets under tomcat etc... At the same time, latest version 6 JRE is installed normally for running applets in browser and local desktop java applications due to security concerns and latest performance enhancements. So question is: what does javara do in this case when removing older versions? Is it possible to mark and update seperatly 2 different versions on the same machine. I.E. security p…
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I feel this program would be much more useful if it could be run with comprehensive commandline arguments. For example: javara -u //Check for and update jre to latest version javara -p //Purge useless files javara -r //Remove old versions of Java javara -l //List all currently installed jre versions javara -t //Tell me what you would do but don't actually do it (test run other command line options) I'm sure there could be other options but that's a basic idea. I could possibly help to add this support if it's c++, c#, java, or vb and source is made available. The end idea is to have javara in local path on all network machines and invoke via psexec on …
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Hi, How do I get around this problem? When I click to download an app. I get a notice which says; ad blocked by SPF. I have no idea why this shows up & any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hello, I like your JavaRe! I would love it, if you could add JDK support. The JDK installs the JRE too.
Found this in my Firefox thanks to MR Tech Local Install under extensions: - Java Console 6.0.04: - Java Console 6.0.05:
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When you click the "Remove Older Versions" button, does this run a silent uninstall command line switch or what method does it use?
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