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October Desktops


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Return of a classic for me:

I just found this picture again, one I used to have before WinXP went kerflooey on us back in '04. It's Sarah Michelle Gellar in a weird costume, I have no idea what it's from.

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new one this time. i decided to go with a more simple wallpaper. and also, i have to admit that i am a DragonForce addict :D





if anyone wants to know about the wallpaper, it was made by KoL. Enjoy! i also found a better way of compressing the PNGs which right now is really working out for me.

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What are you using to compress your pngs?


i used to use OptiPNG + PNGOUT originally. i saw a post made by someone on the Paint.NET forums who compressed a PNG with level 9(got a better ratio than OptiPNG). he also compressed it using PNGOUT and i had the same results when i tried it.

i've also done tests to find out which program(pngcrush, optipng, pngout) compresses the best and pngcrush loses. optipng can sometimes create PNG files smaller than ones compressed with PNGOUT but not most of the time.

i also recently made a new explorer Context Menu Entry which lets me compress PNGs made by WinSnap(program i use to take screenshots) so that nobody has to download extra bytes when viewing the image :P

edit: spelling

Edited by Mangix
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but /me doesn't like .net :P . and also, using irfanview is already a solution that works for me. on top of that, i've noticed that EVERY .net application that i've used starts up slowly.


.NET apps tend to use more resources then native apps. But they're easy to make! C# Express edition is a lot of fun ;P

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try managed C++. that's even more fun ;P

and yes, .NET sucks just for its impressive resource usage.

actually, i'm actually thinking of getting rid of IrfanView because i just found out it can't save transparency when it re-compresses the file. well, it can but it seems like the transparency is a beta feature or something and it has to ask me to save transparency EVERY time. time to look for alternatives :P

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Wow.  I am totally, completely obsessed with this theme.  I want to marry it.


Ehh... that Theme is alittle out of my taste. I like the whole Mac looks but I'm just using plain old Windows Xp Visuals (For now) :D
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new desktop. i stopped using IrfanView and XnView beacuse they have some weird writing support that causes me to have bigger filesizes(even when compressed with PNGOUT). back to OptiPNG and PNGOUT.





i swear to god, DragonForce is the best band. they've also been nominated 4 times in Guitar World :D .

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