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How fast is your Internet?


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mine s***tier

lol, that brought a smile to my face. Ok so um, i dont find my downloads slow at all, the most i ever have to wait is when i download hires versions of halo2 montages, and thats like 10 minutes. there cant be that huge of an advantage of having 2 or 3 times my download score can there? maybee in like 5 years, but right now, whats the use?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh definitely, I am so noticing it as well.

I am wondering if there is a server problem in my area or something. I can't even get on my own site.

I think it was about this time last year that I could not get on Lunarsoft for about 13 days, must just be a bad time of year for me I guess.

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  • Administrator

Well, you can always use our search feature. :happybday:

I still have an e-mail from you from Jan 4 2006 where you were having problems getting to this site and DjLizard's website.

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Oh definitely, I am so noticing it as well.

I am wondering if there is a server problem in my area or something. I can't even get on my own site.

I think it was about this time last year that I could not get on Lunarsoft for about 13 days, must just be a bad time of year for me I guess.

I have since decided that it was Kerio Firewall that was causing my problems.

After I installed it I noticed:

  • Increased shutting down times (my computer normally shuts down in 30 seconds, but it was taking about 2 minutes with Kerio installed.
  • BSOD's (not often, but often enough to be a PITA.)
  • Erratic internet speeds.

Since ditching it, I am getting consistent results from speedtest.net that I am happy with, just under 5 Meg for a "up to 8 Meg" connection is ok by me.


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