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What Security Programs Do You Use?

Ultimate Predator

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All the security related software, browser, disk cleaner, email client, firewall, and other utilities that I recommend can all be downloaded via Anti-Malware Toolkit, which makes my life and everyone else's easier when it comes to downloading all of it. For all the other software that I recommend, here is the list:

CD/DVD Management: AVStoDVD, DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink and Windows Media Player 11 (Included in Windows)

Disk Management: JKDefrag and Recuva

File-Sharing: BitTorrent and Frostwire

FTP: FileZilla

Graphics: Paint.NET

Instant Messenger: Windows Live Messenger with A-Patch

Media Players/Codecs: Real Alternative, QT Lite, VLC Media Player and Windows Media Player 11 (Included in Windows)

Office: Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise or OpenOffice

PC Visuals: XPize or Vize

Utilities: 7Zip, iNFO, Foxit Reader and Unlocker

Web Program: Notepad ++

Only Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise costs money from the list above though you can use the brilliant OpenOffice (which soon I am going to switch too completely) as an alternative.

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The few that I have are:




SpyWare Doctor

and of course CCleaner.

Yes, I know, no firewall.... That's because I run a NAT Router which should keep stuff coming in locked out, seeing 99.9% of my ports are 'stealthed' as per grc.com

As for stuff getting out, well I curb that by running Ewido and EzTrust over EVERY program that I get before I install it.

Cheers :hug:

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After having a hijacker, i am anal. Here is my deal:







spyware doctor

i click maintenance

windows registry repair

tuneup 2004



executive software diskkeeper

and of course ccleaner

maybe overkill, but once bitten, twice shy. :hug:

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Anti Virus:

eTrust EZ Anti Virus (Never running)

Anti Malware:


Spyware Blaster



Ad-Aware Pro

Spybot S&D



Outpost Pro (Only thing actually running real time on my system)

Disk Cleanup:



Registry Cleanup:

Registry First Aid




Firefox 1.5

E-Mail Client:



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Cleans up your registry and removes old keys. Never had a problem with it. It's like ERUNT and NTREGOPT, but it makes the backups and then cleans/compacts the HIVES.

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I wouldn't believe everything you read. It may recommend to ignore it, but you can still control what to do. It's still an excellent application.

I'll check out RegSeeker, there's a few nice looknig applications on that page.

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It may recommend to ignore it, but you can still control what to do. It's still an excellent application.
I don't want to take the risk. You could have said that about NoAdware.net that I used to have, but everybody recommended not to use it as it had a bad history. Now MSAS is getting a bad history. For me its not worth it.

I'll check out RegSeeker, there's a few nice looknig applications on that page.

It has a really good registry search (though when deleting some of the registry from it may not delete it all, you may have to change the permissions). It has a great hard disk search, some cool tweaks you can change to your PC, and loads more. Well worth getting.

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Thing is, NoAdware is KNOWN to be a bad application and was flagged on the Spyware Warrior website.

Even though MSAS may "recommend" you ignore Claria/GAIN, you can VERY EASILY change it to Remove and be done with it.

I know you're smart, so use your brain here man. :hug:

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Thx, I'll test it out ewido

I love the Interface, The scans and the speed of the scans. However, I'm glad you showed me this but I feel its un-needed to me :lol: . I'm an advanced computer users and I know I'm protected by anything that can come my way. Thx and have a nice day.

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I did update it. I scaned and it found nothing. I knew it would not though. As I kinda reformatted awhile ago. But I'm about to try some other stuff here. Have you heard of Stardock CursorXp? I'm wondering if its free and not a 15 day or.. whatever thing. I know a site where to download and apply the Cursor's. All stardock does I believe is Install a tab toward the Pointer options and has CursorXp added in there. I used it before and I think it had a sign of Spyware but I just want to make sure on this as I wanna use a different Cursor Theme. I use the Pointer "Raindrop" that was added by Windows Xp. it's nice and all but I love the ones on the site I provided. Please give Info. on rather or not its free and has no trace of spyware :lmao:

I'm looking forward in using it. but I'm very sure all of you guys have tried WindowsBuilds. I did but I didn't like it as it used a good bit of memory. I use the UxTheme Zip file. Cheers :lol:

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