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General Discussion

Talk about anything you want so long as it doesn't fit elsewhere.


  1. A regular place to go and tell your best (or worst) jokes. Don't worry, we're laughing at your jokes, really!

    • 1.8k posts
  2. Show off your desktop every month!

    • 559 posts
  1. As I've noticed since 3.0 was added and introduced reputation that very few people have given out reputation. Now, it's the Like This system (same reputation system, just a bit easier to use) and I was wondering if a brief tutorial is necessary? Also, other tutorials on things on the forums can be done if requested.

    • 2 replies
  2. Started by Capman,

    Has anyone tried it yet?

    • 3 replies
  3. Hope it's a good one!

    • 0 replies
  4. Started by Capman,

    Is anybody here a mac user, or does anybody have any knowledge of macs? Mainly what I am after is some information as to a good anti virus program for macs, googling it leaves me none the wiser, although I have just recommended PC Tools iAntiVirus to someone.

    • 20 replies
  5. Saw this on another forum I frequent and felt I should pass it along as our community may know of her as well. RIP Karen. Karen died in her sleep on Tuesday, 12 April. Here is a link to the obituary that appeared in the Tulsa World: http://www.tulsaworld.com/ourlives/article.aspx?subjectid=426&articleid=20110415_Ob_obsl_7911942&archive=yes

    • 6 replies
  6. Started by Tarun,

    Hearing this on the news just now (breaking news) that Osama Bin Laden has been killed. Obama is set to make a speech soon.

    • 2 replies
  7. Started by Tarun,

    Hope it's a good one! :)

    • 1 reply
  8. Started by Tarun,

    Who today is still a very young age with plenty more to go! :)

  9. Started by Tarun,

    Who all got to see the lunar eclipse last night?

    • 7 replies
  10. Started by Bluerose,

    Maybe it is not appropriate to post this topic here, even I can't get any of your ideas, that will be Ok. My auntie told me that she has been suspecting that her little kids are looking at some "illegal" sites online. She put a free web blocker on the Mac computer, but they might be finding loopholes. She wanna install some child-control program to see what's going on. There are so many choices since I searched for child-control for Mac, like Mac keylogger, keylogger Mac and remote Mac keylogger, really dazzling. Do you have experience like this?

  11. Started by Tarun,

    Happy 26th dude, hope you have a great birthday with lots of gaming and more fun stuff! :D

  12. Started by James_A,

    Absolutely the funniest thing I have read for a long time. ReadWriteWeb wrote an article about Facebook. It became so popular that it reached the top slot in Google. At that point Facebook users, who apparently use Google to find the Facebook login page ( ) began trying to log in on the ReadWriteWeb page and, when it failed, left a LOT of comments. Hundreds and Hundreds of them. (It's reached 1825 comments as I post this) See it here: http://www.readwrite..._true_login.php Reading the mix of idiots er, disoriented Facebook users and unbelieving others is definitely the funniest thing I have read for a long time. WARNING: a number of the (uncensored) comments …

    • 6 replies
  13. Started by trish4323,

    Hello all! I wasn't sure if I should reintroduce myself in the introduction section or not, I hope that everyone is doing great! I've logged in and lurked not long ago, but now I have a few questions and there's no place else I'd rather go for help. :)

    • 4 replies
  14. Started by Tarun,

    It's always a good day for cake! Happy Birthday! :)

    • 0 replies
  15. Started by Tarun,

    Have a good one! :)

    • 0 replies
  16. Started by Tarun,

    Congrats on your 18th birthday!

    • 2 replies
  17. Started by 0_0,

    The issue is a simple one - the trash doesn't get deleted after 30 days and hasn't for many people for some time - here's one such thread - this goes back over a year with no resolution to date. Any Ideas? I finally switched from 'standard html' to 'basic html' within Gmail (online) a while back, it loads faster, but you also miss the 'select all' feature and so you have to click each and every email to move to trash, as well 'delete' from trash. I had hoped the 'delete after 30 days' issue was fixed but apparently not, my emails are still present after months, the trash count is into the hundreds. The only option as far as I can tell (though this is funky) is to lo…

    • 2 replies
  18. Started by 0_0,

    Just wonderin'... I removed my avatar (it was ugly) in hopes I can create a better looking one. I know the file size is 80KB max but what about the size in pixels? Also, I see that there are really few limits on an image for the sig (at least according to the info) but what is a descent size for the forums (in pixels and KB)? I don't want anything intrusive but I would like to get an idea of what you think might be a reasonable image sig in both pixels and KB. Again, just wonderin'. Hopefully kwikpiks would be a reliable source for hosting a sig... :thumbdown:

    • 2 replies
  19. Started by Synapse,

    Just wanted to stop by and say Happy Birthday man. ;)

    • 7 replies
  20. Started by RTZ,

    Well I've been away due to my mother in law's illness. She is a 96 year old with kidney failure and it's been very hard on my wife and myself. she is back in the hospital since last Monday and she will be eventually going to a rehab center. my job for the last 10 months was that of a dietician. monitoring her protein intake. my wife's job was paying bills and actually the pharmacist she. mom takes 12 different medicines in some combination in 6 different intervals if anyone is of the age of 40 you should be taking in 50 grams a day. i would use a dri erase board every nite to make a menu out counting calories and protein intake. if she had an infection due to low immunit…

    • 1 reply
  21. Started by 0_0,

    I'll start off by saying - I'm not of Elvis' generation but his impact on my household as a child will forever be appreciated. I recall with fondness my early years growing up, how my mom would clean the house while listening to him sing - what a treat. I also remember coming home from junior high one day, my mom was crying her eyes out, I was terrified, my sister said she's crying because Elvis, he's gone. I will admit I didn't cry but, I knew I would miss him, and his contribution to the music business would go on for many years. He was a genuine 'rags to riches' story, uneducated, impoverished, but had a drive likely motivated by what some would term - na…

    • 0 replies
  22. Started by pwcarr,

    I was saving https://wiki.lunarsoft.net/wiki/PC_Cleanup on a file to access later. When I click the link I get this. http://xn--http-4b7a//wiki.lunarsoft.net/wiki/PC_Cleanup Any idea what this is? It goes to an empty page and now worried that I have some wicked software virus and have to start over? Please advise. I know of no other place to post. Thank you, Pete

  23. Started by greenknight,

    Here we just had our 2nd night in a row where it got down to 12 degrees F., and the Weather Service isn't predicting significant warming 'til Friday. Very little snow, just a half inch or so at the start of this cold snap, very cold and dry since. We're not used to this stuff around here, pipes are freezing, etc, but I hear some parts of the country are much worse off - how are you guys doing?

  24. Started by RTZ,

    I hope everyone here both our Guest and Members, have a very nice Thanksgiving, glad to be back but still very busy with a 96 year old Mom in Law on kidney on Kidney dialysis me and the wife are at her house next to ours 8- 9 times a day with medications, meals , blood pressure readings so i have so little time to do anything.

    • 2 replies
  25. Started by Tarun,

    • 0 replies